I love Amnesia, but that cover art is something I'm glad I never saw before I played the game. This [http://www.amnesiagame.com/images/splash_main.jpg] was fine. And that artist went only a third of the way when it comes to the Grunt's 'splodey face [http://images.bit-tech.net/content_images/2010/09/amnesia-the-dark-descent-review/amnesia-dd-3.jpg] At least the brute was done okay.
And that Batman one looks like a magazine cover. Not a game's box.
Now tell me: Is this bad?
I'd say it's bad for the store shelf, but great for home.
This [http://images.bit-tech.net/content_images/2010/09/amnesia-the-dark-descent-review/amnesia-dd-3.jpg] is good except for the tacky sex appeal. This [http://gamingsince198x.fr/wp-content/uploads/daggerfall-box.jpg] one is good too, minus the quote and cheesy tagline. But to be fair, Beth was just starting out.