Thanks to Video Games, I Know My Daughter's Voice

Lizzy Finnegan

New member
Mar 11, 2015
Thanks to Video Games, I Know My Daughter's Voice

My daughter's doctors did not think she would ever speak - but video games changed that.

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Oct 28, 2013
I'm thankful for the fingers with which I am typing (my own), and that the Wehrmacht were ground up to shit in the east. I'm thankful for the peculiar environment in which I was raised by parents who were deeply concerned for my welfare and believed in the values of worldliness and compassion. I'm thankful that Alan Turing got a great film made about him in The Imitation Game. I'm immensely thankful for Morrowind. I really like those milk cartons that have the cap in the corner and don't include the fiddly ring-pull that spills the milk. I'm thankful for all the dogs I've crossed paths with and patted on the head and most of the interesting things in the air, trees and ocean. I'm thankful for the hedgehogs that amble through the grass and the grey squirrels who bounce along the top of the garden fence.

I'm thankful that I was born during a particularly good and hopeful year, and I wasn't brought into lean times or war. I'm even more thankful that I have developed improved perspective by meeting and talking to people who did not share my conditions by dint of being born a little earlier, a little later or just a little further away on the terraqueous globe.

I'm also very thankful for words like terraqueous, sandpiper, manatee, marmoset, booty, blimp, boobies, bangers, snorkers, wonga, synthetic, polycarbonate and oscillation.

Oh, and I'm thankful for helmets. But that should go without saying.

John Markley

New member
Jun 29, 2015
An absolutely beautiful article. As a gamer, an autistic man, and simply as a human being, thank you so much for writing this. You've done a wonderful job- as a writer and as a mother.


Guy who makes gamey things
Oct 21, 2014
A very touching story. For all the controversy and drama gaming sometimes sees, I think it is important to hear things like this to appreciate the fact that it is and likely always will be at it's core something that brings both joy and learning to others lives.

Dominic Crossman

New member
Apr 15, 2013
I have to admit I saw Mortal Kombat mentioned and I almost had went on a rage without seeing the context in which it was used, good job I read on :)

I'm glad gaming helped you and your family and I wish you all the best of luck in the future.


You Are Interested. Certainly.
Feb 25, 2015
Her first word was "iPad". Come on, take this also with some humour.

I find it rather brave of you, after your background of recent, that you share this personal story. I really hope, and this is all I can do, that these stories are true. It's a really interesting experience to read about. Thank you.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
Beautiful article, thank you. I have an autistic nephew who has also found great use out of tablets and technology in general to help communicate. It is easy to forget how awesome it is to live in the future where such things are possible.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
As a kid that was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome(a high-functioning permutation of ASD) this brought tears to my eyes. Thank you, thank you so much for writing this, and thank you for being such a good parent to her. I would've loved to have that kind of support when I was younger.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
well that was unexpected. Nice read but seriously now, it was your fault for having your kid vaccinated, she wouldn't and couldn't have gotten autism otherwise.


Don't mind me, I'm just a NPC
Aug 23, 2010
It's always great to see something as simple as game can make a huge difference. As expensive as those iPads and gaming electronics may look, they're often on the more affordable side on the therapy and commucation aides spectrum.

A very minor example: my youngest cousin has dyslexia, which makes reading difficult and it can be hard for her to find the motivation to read longer texts. She recieves extra help at school, but there are periods were she makes more progress by playing games such as Professor Layton on a DS. It might not gain her the favour of literature snobs, but she can now read technical texts with above avarage accuracy and understanding. ... Which is not always great for her parents, because her understanding of how electronics work is expanding rapidly, and she'll pull pranks like hooking up smart devices to televisions and interupting movies with cat images.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm glad that interactive media has helped you and your daughter connect.

For what it's worth, my daughter was also language delayed. She now has a B+ average in 7th grade at a well-regarded and selective school. It may not be necessary for me to say it, but don't lose hope in your daughter's potential.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
stormtrooper9091 said:
well that was unexpected. Nice read but seriously now, it was your fault for having your kid vaccinated, she wouldn't and couldn't have gotten autism otherwise.
Please tell me you're joking.


New member
Oct 5, 2014
stormtrooper9091 said:
well that was unexpected. Nice read but seriously now, it was your fault for having your kid vaccinated, she wouldn't and couldn't have gotten autism otherwise.
Look, even if that is your considered opinion, that is an appalling way of putting it to someone in that position.


Inaction Master
Jul 9, 2009
stormtrooper9091 said:
well that was unexpected. Nice read but seriously now, it was your fault for having your kid vaccinated, she wouldn't and couldn't have gotten autism otherwise.
Don't you know, the government uses Real-life Emulation Terrestrial/Aerial Remote Drones, synthetic human constructs, to inject autism directly into children in public these days? In fact, you kind of sound like a Real-life Emulation Terrestrial/Aerial Remote Drone right now!