Dead 7 Reunites Boy Bands in Zombie Killing Western for SyFy

John Keefer

Devilish Rogue
Aug 12, 2013
Dead 7 Reunites Boy Bands in Zombie Killing Western for SyFy

The Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync are going at it in a new zombie killing movie for the SyFy Channel. No, we aren't making that up.

This may or may not interest you, depending on your affinity for older boy bands. But we'll give it to you any way: SyFy will be airing a zombie-killing Western called Dead 7 starring the members of once popular boy bands 'N Sync and The Backstreet Boys.

The kicker? It airs on April Fool's Day at 8 p.m. Honestly, We aren't making this up [].

Starring Nick Carter, A.J. McLean, and Howie Dorough from The Backstreet Boys, and Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick from 'N Sync, the film follows a group of young gunslingers who must join forces to rid a Western town of zombies. Carter stars as Jack, who has to convince the group to join up. He also wrote the script. Even former members of 98 Degrees and O-Town are in it.

Justin Timberlake will not be making an appearance, however.

I'm really not sure how to react to this one other than in disbelief, but there is the trailer and some stills, and April Fool's has not arrived yet. So this really must be a thing. I'm going out on a limb here that this won't be another Magnificent 7.


Source: Buzzfeed []



Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
What happened to Sci-Fi (SIGH....SyFy)?

Have they always been awful and my childhood memory tints the old stuff with rose glasses? That entire channel has scrapped on the bottom of the barrel so much that they have somehow broken through the bottom of the barrel and entered a new SUPER barrel that.


RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
tippy2k2 said:
What happened to Sci-Fi (SIGH....SyFy)?

Have they always been awful and my childhood memory tints the old stuff with rose glasses? That entire channel has scrapped on the bottom of the barrel so much that they have somehow broken through the bottom of the barrel and entered a new SUPER barrel that.

I'd imagine it's rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia. The only thing good to ever come out of the Sci-Fi Channel was MST3K. Beyond that, they've always had a reputation of hilariously ridiculous Made For TV Movies. The most recent "hit" being the Sharknado series.

OT: If Justin isn't going to be in it then I don't care. :p


New member
Jun 15, 2010
This sounds like a fanfic that I would've seen back in 2000 on or something.

I was a huge fan of both Nsync and the Backstreet Boys back when they were, you know, relevant but I'm not really feeling any nostalgia about this. Boy bands are that kind of thing that you're really into when you're young and then a few years later you disavow that you were ever into that kind of music, even though you can still sing along to every song.

I'm not gonna watch it but it sounds ridiculous enough to work for those who will be watching it.


Don't mind me, I'm just a NPC
Aug 23, 2010
I think I'll stick to Wild 7 []. Fewer boybands and zombies, more motorcycles and explosions.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
This screams of creative and financial desperation. A cheap attempt at novelty that will wear thin before the end of the pilot episode. I guess in the producer's eyes, it's a win-win situation. They get well known celebrities that will be very cost-effective due to their desperate clawing back to fame while riding the crests of stale pop-culture that only cretins can proudly find solace in, absolutely no effort will need to be made, only references and terrible gags with the nostalgia bait of "hey, remember these guys and how crap they were? Well here they are again. How aweesoome!!" Cue the eye-roll, cue the cringe and cue the loaded shotgun to my face to avoid this shambles. Or...i could just not watch it. But that's hardly as dramatic now, is it?


Eater of Doughnuts
May 17, 2011
You all realize this is from Asylum, right? The guys who have built an entire brand on intentionally terrible movies?

Being so-bad-it's-hilarious is their entire schtick.