Coach Tease!
At this point there is no vehicle or mount that could emerge from the hideout and not be a disappointment. I sense a full-on trolling here. Are you guys taking notes from Escapist patrons to find the funniest possible payoff? If so, my vote is definitely for:
E. your mom
Edit: So now I see that "Brum" will be the transport of choice (based on Grey's comment). This is a knee-high radio controlled jalopy (pictured above). I approve. I trust Brum will remain comically undersized and therefor ridiculously proportioned for a large number of motorists.
Edit 2: Corey, "what the heck" with the "CRASH" buried deep in the background? It only says "CRAS". Was this a case of:
1. Shit. It should say "CRASH" in the foreground, but there isn't enough room after I add the inset panel.
2. Shit. If I put it behind the action and shrink it down so that you can see the whole word "CRASH", then the letters are too small and get obstructed by the image.
3. Shit. I'll just make them big enough to be able to tell it is the start of the word "CRASH" and hope that everybody either doesn't see it, doesn't care, or (more likely) doesn't spell.