SkidRow huh. Those guys used to be kind of scene legends. Now not so much. This guy is just another HTTP uploader is he? So many these days... warez-bb projectw are full of em and ninjavideo stream. Not the greatest source for warez imo. Slow and sometimes unreliable.
Lately all these piracy related articles have been very... Dry, I guess. The Scene News community is where I enjoy myself. Websites such as;, and - in ascending order of "corruption". The IRC communities are definitely quite awesome.
When I say your articles are dry I mean that they are devoid of any real substance into modern warez. One talks about some guys dabble with what seems like a very mainstream experience. He goes on about the woes of piracy, like it should make you feel guilty or something. I hope it is a satire or else it is quite retarded.
No, modern piracy is just pure awesomeness. PC gaming has never been so rewarding. Down the latest releases, from which most haven't online ability - other than LAN or Hamachi-like services. You just buy the games that do have decent online play - or in other words: they are worth the cash. I find little of these "good" pc games though
. Pretty much anything Blizzard you have to buy though, that is one this most pirates "should" agree on. /me waits angrily for Starcraft 2, cash in hand.
Eh... Well.
Piracy is a lifestyle of entertainment. It fucking owns.