Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy Episodes are Starting Next Month


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy Episodes are Starting Next Month

You'll get your chance to dive into the world of Guardians of the Galaxy when Telltale's take releases in April.

If you've been waiting to see just what Telltale Games does with Guardians of the Galaxy, you won't have to wait much longer. The release date that was rumored last week has turned out to be true. The first chapter of of the episodic series is titled Tangled Up In Blue, and will be available digitally on April 18th. There will be a physical version of the game as well, but that won't be available in stores until May 2 in North America.

There's going to be a new trailer on Thursday, but for now you'll have to be content with this teaser and the new screenshots below. You can expect to see all your favorites, from Star-Lord to Rocket Raccoon to a full-sized Groot.

The single episode will set you back $4.99, but if you pre-order the full season, you'll get a discount off the cost of buying separately. If you pre-order on PS4 [], you'll score a nice bonus theme as well.



Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Hey look, the graphics don't look like crap! I really like how this looks, but I can't be bothered to play an episodic game right now so I'm gonna wait until every episode is released.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Adam Jensen said:
Hey look, the graphics don't look like crap!
I too noticed that. Perhaps Telltale finally caught on that the engine they have been using is utter tripe, and built a new one. If not, I look forward to laughing at all the game breaking bugs (It's Telltale, what were you expecting?) people will experience and complain about.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I'm... not sure I trust TellTale with this one.

Maybe they just need to get off the "dark, gritty, and angry" cycle. Tales From the Borderlands was pretty good, at least once they got past the need to rub the male characters' faces in the dirt every few minutes. (Really, guys- you can have strong female characters without making the other half do pratfalls. Honest.)

But what I've been hearing about Batman and the latest TWD sounds like they aren't just trapped in dreariness, but that they're losing track of plot threads, having erratic character swings, and forgetting how to avoid exposition dumps (or at least make them tolerable.) And Game of Thrones was such a trudge through misery that I haven't even finished it yet, turning up the "you get blamed for everything no matter what you do" tendencies of earlier games up to eleven.

GotG needs a much lighter tone than that. For the most part, its characters were too busy dealing with the latest thing to explode in their faces to spend a lot of time hand-wringing and laying blame. If TT is going to pull this one off, they need to pull way back on trying to make players second-guess themselves. The operative phrase for a Guardians game should be "go with it". Possibly followed by "And do it one hundred and fifty eight percent, and don't look back."


Senior Member
May 30, 2011
I used to really be into the Telltale stuff but after a while,its like they just get kinda tedious. I never got the new walking dead and I only go the batman one way after it was finished, and even then I found it kinda boring.I guess combined with the fact that im not the biggest fan of 'Guardian of the Galaxy' (IDK it was decent,but kinda just felt like it was going through the motions) and the fact that every announcement they make is just a reminder that they are not making Wolf Among Us season 2, just kinda turns me off them at this point.


New member
Dec 8, 2015
I mean, it seems like a cool idea. I just don't understand why TT still hasn't made an original series. Except for easy money, of course...


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Have Telltale started making actual games yet? I mean, I'm a big fan of visual novels, and Telltale do some good writing, but their "games" have just enough actual game to them to remind me I'm supposedly playing a game rather than reading a visual novel, and yet too little to be anything other than just a marginally more sophisticated VN.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Pyrian said:
Huhhh. That's quite a leap in tone from Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.
Not so much of a leap from Tales from the Borderlands though.


Sight Unseen

The North Remembers
Nov 18, 2009
008Zulu said:
Adam Jensen said:
Hey look, the graphics don't look like crap!
I too noticed that. Perhaps Telltale finally caught on that the engine they have been using is utter tripe, and built a new one. If not, I look forward to laughing at all the game breaking bugs (It's Telltale, what were you expecting?) people will experience and complain about.
I've played most of the Telltale games, and I've yet to encounter a single "game breaking bug". The games have plenty of weird animation quirks and some technical issues, but none of them are even close to game breaking.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
"Groot will Groot that..."

Seriously, though, that looks reasonably interesting. I just about gave up on Telltale after the Batman game and the last season of Walking Dead, as well as their refusal to do more Wolf Among Us. I might actually give this a go. Once the whole thing's out, of course. I don't enjoy episodic stuff...