Meet the Team Question for Issue 74


New member
Jul 7, 2006
Meet the Team Question for Issue 74

Each week we ask a question of our staff and featured writers to learn a little bit about them and gain some insight into where they are coming from.

This week's question is:
Where do you usually find yourself playing mobile games?

John Scott, "A Better Way to Play"
At the cinemas, before the previews begin.

Allen Varney, "Un-Laming Phone Games
Wherever I have lunch with a friend who owns a Nintendo DS.

Gearoid Reidy, "The Tao of Pikachu"
Mostly at home, to be honest - and usually in bed. That, or on really long plane rides. I like to get comfortable and be sucked into a game, so on short commutes with loud strangers elbowing me in the ribs, I usually just stick with my iPod.

Shannon Drake, Industry Relations
LAX [].

Russ Pitts, "Mario Smells Like Mothballs," Associate Editor
I'm going to insert a "when" into that question to allow the answer: Mired in melancholy.

Joe Blancato, "The Free Future of Mobile Gaming," Associate Editor
Bathroom. Yup. I'm that guy.

Jon Hayter, Producer
At home on the couch, obviously.
