Lost Planet: WTF/LOL

Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
Lost Planet: WTF/LOL

In Lost Planet I was hoping to find something special and unique. Something worthy of the Xbox 360's technical prowess and Capcom's stature as a gaming powerhouse. I was looking for a blend of East meets West; a Japanese game for a Western audience (as the advertorials suggested); and a thrilling story into which I could lose myself over the course of a long weekend. I was, in other words, looking for my next "great game." I found it, but as usual with Capcom games, the good was mixed with a significant amount of bad.



New member
Aug 31, 2006
Your comments do a great job of summarizing my own view of Lost Planet, especially the knockdown extravaganzas, normally referred to as boss fights. What I found interesting in my experience with Lost Planet was that I didn't realize how much I had enjoyed the game until I had finished it. While I dealt with some extremely frustrating sections, I found myself steadily plowing through the "story". The following hours I spent with multiplayer sealed the deal.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Personally, I quite liked the boss levels in the original. When I first played it, it was the first 3rd person shooter I'd actually played since Star Wars Battlefront, and I found it thoroughly enjoyable, but there were always some niggling bits that I didn't like. You pinned them down perfectly here, so I'm a little saddened to see that some of the gameplay factors that made the original a good game rather than a great game are still present. The boss fights surprsingly were pretty easy for me, although I wasn't exactly keen on the whole 'stagger' thing when attacked. That made some parts, such as when you first meet and fight Basil, extremely tough to do (I remember a significant amount of trouble fighting her first time around). Hopefully by the time the full version of Lost Planet 2 is released, these gameplay issues will have been fixed. Sadly, as so often happens with Capcom's games, I doubt this will be the case. Still, at least it looks like it'll shape up to still be a good game. It's just a shame Capcom so often fail to realise the potential of their good games and fail to see how they could possibly make them 'great'.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
Trivun said:
Personally, I quite liked the boss levels in the original. When I first played it, it was the first 3rd person shooter I'd actually played since Star Wars Battlefront, and I found it thoroughly enjoyable, but there were always some niggling bits that I didn't like. You pinned them down perfectly here, so I'm a little saddened to see that some of the gameplay factors that made the original a good game rather than a great game are still present. The boss fights surprsingly were pretty easy for me, although I wasn't exactly keen on the whole 'stagger' thing when attacked. That made some parts, such as when you first meet and fight Basil, extremely tough to do (I remember a significant amount of trouble fighting her first time around). Hopefully by the time the full version of Lost Planet 2 is released, these gameplay issues will have been fixed. Sadly, as so often happens with Capcom's games, I doubt this will be the case. Still, at least it looks like it'll shape up to still be a good game. It's just a shame Capcom so often fail to realise the potential of their good games and fail to see how they could possibly make them 'great'.
Wow. That was a remarkable necro-post. Did you mean to post here [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/6.117008] instead?
Edit - Not taking a dig at you, just wondering.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Caimekaze said:
Trivun said:
Personally, I quite liked the boss levels in the original. When I first played it, it was the first 3rd person shooter I'd actually played since Star Wars Battlefront, and I found it thoroughly enjoyable, but there were always some niggling bits that I didn't like. You pinned them down perfectly here, so I'm a little saddened to see that some of the gameplay factors that made the original a good game rather than a great game are still present. The boss fights surprsingly were pretty easy for me, although I wasn't exactly keen on the whole 'stagger' thing when attacked. That made some parts, such as when you first meet and fight Basil, extremely tough to do (I remember a significant amount of trouble fighting her first time around). Hopefully by the time the full version of Lost Planet 2 is released, these gameplay issues will have been fixed. Sadly, as so often happens with Capcom's games, I doubt this will be the case. Still, at least it looks like it'll shape up to still be a good game. It's just a shame Capcom so often fail to realise the potential of their good games and fail to see how they could possibly make them 'great'.
Wow. That was a remarkable necro-post. Did you mean to post here [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/6.117008] instead?
Edit - Not taking a dig at you, just wondering.
Actually, good point x) I just saw this thread somewhere (no idea where now, come to think of it) and didn't notice it was a necro-thread... I'll post again in the right place then :) Thanks for letting me know.