Pro-Gaming Voter Group Breaks 100,000

Junaid Alam

New member
Apr 10, 2007
Pro-Gaming Voter Group Breaks 100,000

A voting bloc established by the ESA has launched a drive to boost its numbers after breaking the 100,000 member barrier.

In a press release today, the Entertainment Software Association announced that its Video Game Voters Network, which describes itself as "a coalition of voting-aged Americans who defend their choice of entertainment from unnecessary government regulation," reached a membership level of over 100,000.

ESA President Michael Gallagher hailed VGVN members as "a political force that not only votes, but actively makes their voices heard in Washington, D.C. and in state legislatures across the country."

To further bolster the group's numbers, the organization launched a new website,, and released a web trailer, now featured on, highlighting its message that video gamesshould be regulated no differently than other forms of media entertainment.

Source: ESA []
