EA Coming to E for All

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
EA Coming to E for All

Contrary to rumors that Sony [http://www.ea.com]will have a presence at the show as well.

In an interview with GameDaily BIZ, Dolaher, IDG World Expo [http://www.idgworldexpo.com/] CEO, said, "They (Electronic Arts) have booth space that they purchased in front of the South Hall. They are in the show. We have the signed contract, they plan to be there and we're working with them on their designs and what will be displayed and the products shown." According to Dolaher, the removal of EA-labeled material from the website was the result of a request by EA lawyers, who wanted to review all materials involving the use of the company's name. As a "professional courtesy," she said, "It's better to just not use it yet and once they give us approval, which we hope to have today or tomorrow, then it will be back up there."

While Nintendo has confirmed its appearance at the event, it has been widely believed that Sony and Microsoft will not be making an appearance. Dolaher, however, said products and material from both companies would be at the show, and that a potential deal was still on the table. "We're still working with both of them," she said. "But the World Series of Video Games [http://www.thewsvg.com/] is in the hall and Microsoft is their sponsor and that's how they're going to be represented at the event. We are working with Sony to make sure that their products are there and they're shown. So we're working with them to have an area where there are kiosks and game stations where they can put PS3s and PSPs out."

She also said that there will be a few more announcements regarding other "big ESA member names" at the show, but the Tokyo [http://www.gc-germany.com/index.php?page=64]shows have led to delays in the approval process. And while some doubts have been expressed regarding the long-term viability of E for All, Dolaher said IDG is fully committed to the event, adding, "We just presented our three-year plan to our board of directors and they couldn't be more excited about it and willing to invest what we need."

The full interview is available here [http://biz.gamedaily.com/industry/news/?id=17284].
