360, PSP, Go Opposite Directions in U.K. Sales

Junaid Alam

New member
Apr 10, 2007
360, PSP, Go Opposite Directions in U.K. Sales

The U.K. market witnessed a 260 percent jump in Xbox 360 sales, whereas the PSP has plummeted in sales, according to a week-on-week analysis by Chart-Track.

The 360 sales increase dovetailed with the introduction of the higher-priced Elite model as well as a price cut for the preexisting Premium and Core models. The trend still held relatively strongly the week after, experiencing only a 20 percent dip.

The PSP crash, on the other hand, was ascribed to anticipation of the impending PSP Slim and Lite launch on the part of retailers and the gaming public.

Chart-Track did not provide absolute figures for either unit. The company is a U.K.-based entertainment sales monitoring organization established in 1996.

Source: Gamesindustry.biz [http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=28467]



New member
Sep 5, 2007
All as expected really. The PSP will no doubt make a resurgance once the slimline gets released.