Not ice, crystals. Same as not-Sephiroths new arm. I think you get like that by drinking large amounts of crystal cola. Though I'd still be more worried about the amount of corn syrup in it.Guffe said:Well all the FFPFM (FireFlutterPhoenixFireMage) has to do is melt the ice on him and he's cool, right?
They're in a JRPG, so that option's on the table.Madara XIII said:Don't worry, I'm sure there's a way to fix Gunny. Hopefully not some tear-inducing, sappy method.
Kain was beyond a joke. Oh you've done something good? Mindcontrol to undo it all. Breaks out if it though and sorta-not really atonesUkomba said:If it's final fantasy, it's mind control. They do love their mind control. Tera, Golbez, Yang, Cloud, Kain like 7 times, Rinoa, Edea, Jecht...