Sony Attacks Microsoft on GTA IV DLC; Says PS3 Might Also Get DLC

Junaid Alam

New member
Apr 10, 2007
Sony Attacks Microsoft on GTA IV DLC; Says PS3 Might Also Get DLC

In a strange attack on Microsoft, a Sony official said the 360's planned Grand Theft Auto IV downloadable content was a desperate maneuver - shortly after asserting the PS3 will "probably" also have DLC.

"Well I think you probably will see [GTA IV DLC on PS3]," Sony Computer Entertainment Europe President David Reeves told "It's just that a deal obviously was struck between Microsoft and Take Two to do that, and if that's what they want to do, I think that's the last shot they have."

Reeves reference to a supposed Microsoft "last shot" may have been related to his company's announcement that PS3 sales have outstripped those of the 360 in Europe. The PS3 still lags behind considerably in the US, and first week Grand Theft Auto IV sales came down in favor of the 360 55/45 worldwide.

Sony had earlier dismissed the significance of DLC for the title, saying it would not sway gamers' decision about which console to buy. Reeves statement was the first indication that Rockstar might release DLC for the PS3.

Source: []



New member
Feb 6, 2008
urgh. Nothing like the bloated posturing that comes from companies that suddenly find their product isnt doing s**t anymore to make you want to load the whole lot of them into a cannon & be done with them.


New member
Oct 15, 2007
"Sony had earlier dismissed the significance of DLC for the title, saying it would not sway gamers' decision about which console to buy."

Actually, it did just that for me. When torn between either the PS3 or 360 version, I decided to go with the 360 because it would be offering DLC in the future . Graphically there is hardly a difference between the two and gameplay is identical.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
We always knew that DLC would be available for the PS3, but Sony is being deliberately vague here. What they need to clarify is that Microsoft has paid Rockstar specifically to develop EXCLUSIVE episodic content - and right now we don't really know what form this episodic content will take. We are being led to believe this episodic content will be similar in scope to the spinoffs in the GTA3 series, Vice City and San Andreas. This makes me feel it's somewhat unlikely it will actually take the form of DLC as this would means several gigs a hit for each episode (my understanding is that 2 are planned).
Other people believe this will only resulti n a few extra cars, weapons and missions a la the content packs for Crackdown.
Still other people believe the 'episodes' will be somewhere in between with perhaps an extra island added for us to explore.

Sony will more than likely get their own DLC for the PS3 version of the game, but it will not be the same content as the 360 is getting, since Microsoft commissioned their exclusive content to the tune of $50 million. We can assume any other DLC Rockstar develops for the game will be intended for both consoles, be it an extra episode, an extra island, or two new cars and a laser cannon.

It seems like Sony is trying to make out as though Microsoft's hyping of their extra content doesn't matter because the PS3 is getting it too, and this simply isn't the case.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Their right this sort of thing wont sway people to buy either console. However it would if people were made more aware of just how lacking the online side of the ps3 has.

Bitter as now have to play GTA4 on PS3 while 360 goes for repair RROD :(

Mark B

New member
Nov 5, 2007
I can't help but to think that if Take Two does release DLC for the PS3, MS would want there $50 million back, or at least the stuff that's not related to the advertising.


New member
Jan 1, 2008
PS3 DLC: Some cars and guns

Xbox 360 DLC: PS3 DLC + Episodic Content(aka awesome extra hours of playing)

Sony: A bunch of hypocritic fucktards.Do you still want to know why I'm Anti-Sony?


New member
May 6, 2008
Sony hasn't released any information on the downloadable content that is going to be available and I think it is kind of close minded to have ever assumed downloadable episodic content was only coming to the xbox 360, since although developers shoot themselves in the foot a lot (a hell of a lot) it would take stupidity on an immense scale to only release content for one console.

And you can't really say you hate Sony for being hypocritical when Microsoft does the same thing daily, they are both huge corporations only looking out for one thing, their wallets. They only care about anything if it helps them line the above with money, and Sony and Microsoft know that an announcement about extra content does that.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Skrapt said:
Sony hasn't released any information on the downloadable content that is going to be available and I think it is kind of close minded to have ever assumed downloadable episodic content was only coming to the xbox 360, since although developers shoot themselves in the foot a lot (a hell of a lot) it would take stupidity on an immense scale to only release content for one console.
Not really. The game is already sold, they have their money. There is no incentive for developer to offer free content, it won't boost sale.

There is an incentive in the of the 50 millions dropped by MS though. And when MS signed that contract, you can be sure as hell that they asked for exclusivity! So will the PS3 see episodic DLC? Probably, but anything the PS3 get, the 360 will get as well. On the other hand, many of the content that the 360 get will be exclusive. We don't know what it will be, but for 50 millions, it won't be only cars and clothes.

But Sony's reaction is (as always for Sony) ridiculous. They dropped the ball, and they are trying to blame MS for it. Exclusive downloadable content is the future of console gaming, not 20 CPU and the ability to cure cancer, and Sony just realized it.


New member
May 6, 2008
Uhhmm, exclusive downloadable content is not the future of console gaming, console gaming is by and large at least 2 years behind PC's in hardware, and 10 years behind in online support. And you're going to have great difficulty persuading most console users to constantly download patches and new content since the big attraction behind console gaming is supposed to be no needed patches. And I don't believe online content will ever take off on consoles as it has on computers simply because the amount of things a 3rd party could do on any console wouldn't constitute to one finger on my hand, And most developers aren't willing to make free content for a game that people have already paid for, they'd much prefer to make an expansion pack or a new game instead.

Just look at the Wii, it's getting BBC Iplayer support, people that know about it? Very few, people willing to use it? Even less.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
Indigo_Dingo said:
All contracts come with an expiration period. Exclusivity on the part of MS is likely to be very short lived, considering the rapid movement these days. I'd give it a month.
And I suppose when I buy a car I have to give it back to the dealership after a few years?

I'm sorry, but you're still ignoring the $50 million Microsoft paid for Rockstar to develop it in the first place. They didn't buy a temporary exclusivity licence for content, they paid Rockstar specifically to develop exclusive episodic content for the 360 version of GTA4. Whatever it actually is Microsoft paid for (since we don't know yet), it won't be released on the PS3. You might as well say that Halo 3 will come out on the PS3 now that Microsoft no longer owns Bungie - in both cases that IP is owned by Microsoft, even if the company is free to develop other content and do whatever the hell they want with it (hence why the PS3 is gonig to get DLC for GTA4 at all, assuming SCE want it).

Theoretically, Sony could do that same: pay for their own episodic content to be created exclusively for the PS3 version of GTA4 and have it be inaccessible to the 360, but it still wouldn't be the same content. It's completely up to Microsoft whether their property is licensed to Sony and vice versa.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
"Sony attacks Microsoft" SHOCK!!! [/sarc]

In all fairness, i cant wait for the EVE online business ethic of having a sizable private army to take hold, then we will see who attacks who.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Well done for rising to the bait people.

Got to admit, these games companies know how to stoke a fire - just remember that it's your money they're fuelling it with.