Microsoft: Too Early To Declare a Winner

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Microsoft: Too Early To Declare a Winner

Microsoft's Don Mattrick [], it's still too early to call a winner in the console wars.

Microsoft Game Studios [], said the battle wasn't over.

"We've always known that we weren't going to win in Japan, right?" Kim said, discussing the worldwide viability of the platform. "And I think we can build a very good business, an exciting business with a pretty big installed base with success in places like North America and Europe. Even though you may not think it's big numbers, we're actually strong in Latin America as well. Canada's been a big market for us as well. So there are ways to get the scale."

"Now, if you don't get ten million units in Japan, can you get 100 million units overall?" he continued. "I'd love to get 90 million units and have that problem. That's what we're really trying to focus on. I think it's way too early to declare a winner. Some guys were trying to declare Nintendo the winner of this generation last night."

Kim said it would take numbers approaching 100 million units sold to declare victory in the marketplace, which he admitted was a long way off. "This is only the third year of our existence and only the second year of Nintendo's [] existence," he said. "Are we just amusing ourselves by trying to declare a winner and loser while the customers are still out there deciding?"

While many analysts believe Nintendo's said []that while the Wii was set to pass the Xbox 360 in market share, "In this cycle we see the potential for three healthy console platforms, unlike the PS2 dominance last time around."



New member
May 19, 2008
It is too early to declare a winner. Sure the Wii may be strong now but once the ideas start running thin things may get hairy. For all we know the PS3 which is really the butt of the joke right now to many might make a stand.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
thebobmaster said:
And this is why people shouldn't say that what one person says is what the entire company believes.
-and also why we should condemn every company that starts to talk out their asses.
Nov 28, 2007
ElArabDeMagnifico said:
thebobmaster said:
And this is why people shouldn't say that what one person says is what the entire company believes.
-and also why we should condemn every company that starts to talk out their asses.
Sure, if the entire company does that. But if only one person in the company does it, then should we condemn the entire company, or the one person who is doing that?

Chaos Marine

New member
Feb 6, 2008
The PC will win. Why? Because three or four years down the line, nothing any console will be able to do will touch it. Seriously, a few years ago, having two gigabytes of ram was considered insane and only gaming enthusiasts had that much ram. Now, ram is piss cheap, the latest graphics cards coming out are literally half as cheap as last years. I purchased a 8800 GTX for about 640? which is still an extremely powerful GPU and nVidia's successor to the 8800 GTX, the 9800 GTX can be bought for more or less half that price. You can get a top of the line, heavy performance GPU for +/- 300?. A Q6600, the entry model Quad Core processor of choice is less than 200? and most motherboards, even economy model m-ATX boards can work with it. Rejoice, PC gamers, powerful gaming rigs are cheaper than they ever were and consoles are going up in prices.


New member
Jan 24, 2008
The PC can only win if they'll allow more genres to be produced on it. Sure PC games already look better (if you have the right hardware), but does it matter if there's no selection?

Lt. Sera

New member
Apr 22, 2008
Who needs a winner? I like it more if all 3 are relatively equal in success, ensuring that all 3 companies move on to make us some more goodies.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
Lt. Sera said:
Who needs a winner? I like it more if all 3 are relatively equal in success, ensuring that all 3 companies move on to make us some more goodies.
Bingo, we have a winner.

If we have three (or four, counting PCs) strong platforms, then developers have a bigger audience for their games. Bigger audience means they can afford to create more games and take risks with genres... and more developers means more competition.

I'd personally love it if everybody "won" the current console tiff.

-- Steve


New member
Jul 13, 2006
Anton P. Nym said:
If we have three (or four, counting PCs) strong platforms, then developers have a bigger audience for their games. Bigger audience means they can afford to create more games and take risks with genres... and more developers means more competition.
I've often thought that having one dominant platform would allow the art of gaming to grow in the most beneficial ways. I cringe when developers remain conservative with their game design because it will be released on multiple, incompatible platforms. I see consoles simply as the delivery mechanism for games, like CD Players are for music. I don't have to buy 6 different music players to listen to all the songs out there... but I have to buy 6 different gaming systems to play all the games. Something tells me that I'm missing out on a lot of great games, simply because I don't have the money to own every system... a lot of developers and publishers are losing out on my money. Something doesn't seem right here.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
None of the current consoles have have any deal breaking weaknesses as of yet. Actually, they all do, the Xbox has the RROD, the PS3 its price and rapidly fluctuating spec whilst the Wii is essentially a Gamecube with motion sensing, so suffers from port-over syndrome.

Compare that to the last generation, where the PS2 had no major issues (to my knowledge) and capitalised on the PS1 players. Whilst the Xbox was a new brand and had a scare with melting power supplies. The Gamecube was purple. It's a much more balanced competition, lets hope it continues for a while.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Nintendo: 1st
Microsoft: 2nd

Do not get me wrong....the PS3 is a decent system but it has a lot of maturing and such to do before it wins anything.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Digikid said:
Nintendo: 1st
Microsoft: 2nd
I'd suggest that you provide some evidence for the claim (or at least a balanced argument for your choices), or you're not gonna stay around for long...

As for my opinion, I really don't care about the console wars any more. Lt. Sera pretty much summed it up.


New member
Sep 11, 2007
Digikid said:
Nintendo: 1st
Microsoft: 2nd

Do not get me wrong....the PS3 is a decent system but it has a lot of maturing and such to do before it wins anything.
When making a claim, back it up with facts or you are nothing but an uninformed, anonymous troll bait.