Sony Says Robust Home Service Coming This Fall

Logan Frederick

New member
Aug 19, 2006
Sony Says Robust Home Service Coming This Fall

After a year-long delay [] and a closed beta [], Sony has promise a "fully robust" PlayStation Home service for this fall.

"The Home open beta is still on schedule for release later this fall," confirmed PlayStation Network head Eric Lempel.

The planned Autumn launch will move Home, a 3-D virtual world for the PlayStation Network, into an open beta stage. PSN director Susan Panico compared the rollout to Google's e-mail client Gmail, but Lempel claims that Sony will not be releasing a half-baked world.

"If you think about Gmail and Susan's reference, Gmail when it launched in beta was a fully functional email service," noted Lempel. "I personally was using it and it offered everything you'd expect, but was in beta just to say that there's more to come and maybe it's not fully polished."

Since Home's announcement at last year's Games Developer Conference, hype has calmed while Sony offered a stripped-down beta during its development. According to Lempel, delaying the launch by a year will allow Sony to "deliver a high quality service that the users will enjoy."

He explained, "Even though it will be in beta, it will be a fair representation of what the service can be and its potential, so it won't be a 0.5 release, it will be a fully robust service."

Source: MCV [] via Next-Gen []



New member
Mar 10, 2008
Hear that people? It's a BETA, that means it's not the full version of the service. It ALSO means that you shouldn't be complaining about glitches on random forums and instead you should report those glitches to Sony. Think about it.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
Logan Frederick said:
After a year-long delay [] and a closed beta [], Sony has promise a "fully robust" PlayStation Home service for this fall.
Y'know, my first thought upon seeing the headline of this piece was, "didn't they say that last year?"

I do hope that they get Home up and running soon (that'll put more pressure on Live to improve... I'm all for competition in the marketplace) but I wouldn't hold my breath.

-- Steve


New member
Jun 11, 2008
yay... another venue for child predators

they better unveil a system for reporting asshats and perverts.