I have to say this issue bothers me.
Honestly, I don't think software developers are fighting piracy ENOUGH.
I am from Israel, so I am a little biased, but here piracy is rampant.
And when I mean rampant, i mean that buying software here is considered to be a patsy thing.
Buying a game is considered to be stupid, as it can easily be downloaded from free , hassle free, danger free.
And again, I am a software Dev with a social circle of other software devs. Although none of us are rich, we all make very nice paychecks, live in very nice houses, and usually we do not hold back on spending our money on entertainment.
And yet, these people wont spend 20 bux on a game from steam, wont buy a budget game from the local game shop. Why? Cause they'll be a patsy.
No matter how much I try to tell them : Why pirate software ? You all work IN software. Pirating software hurts you.
And also, you of all people, cant you understand that pirating games ( which is our main problem here isn't it ? ) hurts people just like YOU, working day in day out 11 hours a day on eye watering code so you can have a better game?
And I get the usual responses "If games were cheaper bla bla bla" , even though they spend 3x as much a day on restaurants and drinks "I don't have to pay for software , information is free" , which is a stupid thing for a software worker to say IMO, "They have anti piracy software those games! The Chutzpa!!".
That last thing usually blows my mind.
Yes, they have anti piracy measures, which they try to use so people will buy their games SO they might make money to make better games.
When I try to convince them that if they don't like games and DRM measures, don't play the game at all. Vote the capitalistic way. But pirating it makes no real stand, has no real meaning.
It's like stealing a book because its too expensive, or because it can be read only 10 times.
Don't like that? don't buy. Get freeware books, get open source books, whatever.
So, what is my rant about?
It's a chicken and egg race (Yes, a chicken will beat an egg in a race, but let that go).
Pirates hurt business, hurt it bad. Titan quest is an excellent example of a company that bought the bucket due to piracy. Game developers all over the world are starting to show reluctancy in developing software for the pc due to piracy.
And when they try to protect themselves, they get pirated even more.
Now, is that their fault?
If I was being burglarized every day, I would install a burglar alarm. The people who wouldnt like it would most likely be burglars. If any friends I had would be annoyed that when they enter my house it would beep and hoot sometimes, they can either 1) stop coming to my house 2) suck it up.
breaking my burglar alarm is not an option.
PS: my First post, yay!