Damn right. God save her, man.
Yes, I'm Canadian, but being attached to and integrated with the U.S. as we are, we're exposed to the U.S. election process to a far greater degree than you might think. We see your television ads on a regular basis, and I have no actual numbers to back this up but I wouldn't be at all surprised if more Canadians watched the U.S. presidential debates than did the Canadian leadership debates. (We had an election of our own recently, you see. Unlike you, we manage to get these things wrapped up in about eight weeks.) Canadian magazines even poll Canadians to see who they'd vote for, regardless of the fact that we can't actually vote for your president at all.
It's an interesting position to be in, and made more so for me as a gamer with an interest in this sort of thing. I can't vote for the prez, and in this case I can't even see the ads, but as a gamer living next to the elephant I can't help but be impacted by them - if they turn out to have some kind of impact. How will they affect me? How do I feel about them? Do they serve their purpose, are they somehow inherently worse than "normal" in-game ads, do they represent a fundamental shift in the perception of gamers in the eyes of the political machinery?