Publisher Apologizes For Gothic 3 Expansion

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Publisher Apologizes For Gothic 3 Expansion

Austrian publisher JoWood has issued a formal apology for the bug-ridden Gothic 3 expansion, Forsaken Gods

We've all played bad games before, but it's pretty rare that one is so bad that the publishers feels like they have to apologize for it; but that is exactly what JoWood has done.

In a statement on the company's website, Michael Kairat, Executive Producer of JoWood, said "We are now getting the full 'bill' from the community for our mistakes... JoWooD Productions would like to present their apologies to the fans for releasing an unsatisfying game."

Interestingly though, Kairat portions a small part of the blame on the very community that he is apologizing to.

"The game was released this year because that was what we and the community desired. JoWooD and Trine have worked under a lot of pressure, and to repair some of the mistakes we released the game with a patch, hoping to make it better."

JoWood is to release a patch in the next few days to address issues with the game, and hopes to release a content patch that will include feedback from the community. The company has vowed that Gothic 4 will not suffer the same fate.

"Together with Spellbound we will make early beta tests for Arcania: A Gothic Tale, to be sure that past mistakes will not be repeated. JoWooD admits their mistake, and will prevent it from happening again."

Source: Voodoo Extreme 3D [] via GayGamer []



Old Man Glenn
Feb 13, 2008
See? It's not difficult to admit you did something wrong. Not only that, but they are fixing it. People will like them a whole lot more than if they had just released it buggy, patched, and pretended it had never happened. Heck, just look at The Witcher.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
meatloaf231 said:
See? It's not difficult to admit you did something wrong. Not only that, but they are fixing it. People will like them a whole lot more than if they had just released it buggy, patched, and pretended it had never happened. Heck, just look at The Witcher.
Never played The Witcher, but I've heard the development team behind are some really great guys (and gals).

Anyways, I believe it's this kind of attitude that significantly reduces the piracy of a game. If the developer of a game are on good terms with their fanbase and address, instead of dismissing, issues in the game, then gamers are less likely to pirate the game.

We need more people like this in gaming, now more then ever.

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
It is good that these guys can admit they made a mistake and I agree with stompy. Having the guts to admit that you fucked up to your fanbase shows that you actually care about making a good game and actually care whether your fanbase enjoys the game. Shows dedication to the fans, something more developers need to do.

And Nil, it's great you've become a news reporter. Are you still one of the red guards though?


Not David Bowie
Apr 3, 2008
nilcypher said:
Fire Daemon said:
And Nil, it's great you've become a news reporter. Are you still one of the red guards though?
Yep, can't get rid of me that easily.
I just thought Westbrook is an awesome name *puts it into design document due to awesome*

And phew... I'm glad you still are. Though since you are staff are you more of a mod?

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
I'm fairly certain I'm the same level of mod I always was. Can we put any further questions in PMs though please guys? Don't want to derail my first post :)


New member
Feb 7, 2008
nilcypher said:
JoWood is to release a patch in the next few days to address issues with the game, and hopes to release a content patch that will include feedback from the community. The company has vowed that Gothic 4 will not suffer the same fate.
Oh, the same fate as Gothic 1, 2, and 3? Still, lots of respect for these guys. I loved Gothic 2, even with all those silly bugs, it was one of my favourite games. Plus it takes a lot of cojones to admit you were wrong so openly.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
I heard it wasn't the game that was bad, it's just that there were so many bugs that buying it at launch was pretty much redundant.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
I think whoever does JoWood's advertising owes them an apology. I had no idea an expansion even existed.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Companies shouldn't be so stuck up or afraid to admit their mistakes. It's good that at least one company isn't.

CUnk said:
I think whoever does JoWood's advertising owes them an apology. I had no idea an expansion even existed.
Hell, I didn't know there's Gothic 3.


#virgil { display:none; }
Jun 13, 2002
nilcypher said:
Austrian publisher JoWood has issued a formal apology for the bug-ridden Gothic 3 expansion, Forsaken Gods
Next step, apologizing for Gothic 3 entirely.

Lord Krunk

New member
Mar 3, 2008
meatloaf231 said:
See? It's not difficult to admit you did something wrong. Not only that, but they are fixing it. People will like them a whole lot more than if they had just released it buggy, patched, and pretended it had never happened. Heck, just look at The Witcher.
Well, I think that they are doing it for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky, but I'm not sure. I watched a friend play it, and it was buggy as.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
I actually got myself to sit down and play Gothic 3 from beginning to end, but man it was a rough ride. I'm not sure I can get myself to do it again for the expansion. Maybe I'll catch up with the series again with Gothic 4.