Next Metal Gear Game Teased

Nathan Meunier

New member
Nov 19, 2007
Next Metal Gear Game Teased

A recently uncovered, cryptic developer web page suggests something new and Metal Gear-related is coming down the pike...but what?

An excruciatingly vague page [] initially flashes the Konami logo then the text "A next Metal Gear is..." accompanied by a series of neon green symbols. While this could signify an entirely new game is on it ways, it might also be related to potential plans for an Xbox 360 version of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

After a lengthy bout of denying plans to bring MGS4 to the Xbox 360, Konami did recently imply [] it may be considering bringing the title to Microsoft's console due to the system's growing popularity. The green color of the symbols on the Kojima teaser site and the inclusion of a symbol that looks like the Xbox 360's power button may hint that such a plan is indeed in the works. However, the power button symbol is used on many other consoles and electronic devices, and the "i" and "!" could be related to the Wii, iPhone, DSi, iPod or some other iDevice.

Would I like to see a Metal Gear game on Nintendo's DSi, the Wii, or a new title for the PSP? Hell, yes. It looks like we may have a bit of a wait until we can get to the bottom of this. What do you think the teaser could be hinting at, and what would you like it to mean?



Hold Me Closer Tony Danza
Jun 7, 2008
Apple or Xbox or both. I don't think Nintendo's gonna score on this.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Kojima is all over Apple (they even had an iPod in MGS4 for god's sake!) so I think a possible iPhone port is on the cards.


Interzone Vagabond
Jun 10, 2008
That is actually a derivative of the international power symbol []. You might as well speculate that an Apple version is coming out, and I see others have. Yes, the green is a clue, but to me it's just as likely a hint towards VR missions. That symbol appears on the front of the PS3 as well, in silver.


Interzone Vagabond
Jun 10, 2008
Actually this Kotaku comment [] hits on something I think is _really_ close to home: Ac!d for iPhone. Apparently, some of the HTML code points to "MGST" which has been speculatively decoded to mean "Metal Gear Solid Touch". The appearance of several Apple products (most notably the iPod Snake carries) in the game seem to hint in this direction as well.

Aardvark Soup

New member
Jul 22, 2008
SaintWaldo said:
Actually this Kotaku comment [] hits on something I think is _really_ close to home: Ac!d for iPhone. Apparently, some of the HTML code points to "MGST" which has been speculatively decoded to mean "Metal Gear Solid Touch". The appearance of several Apple products (most notably the iPod Snake carries) in the game seem to hint in this direction as well.
With Metal Gear Solid Touch the Nintendo DS is the first thing I would think about. I secretly hope it's an enhanched 3D remake of Metal Gear 1 & 2 on the DS. Or, even better, a completely new game.

Another more likely possibility is a new version of MGS4 (like MGS2: Substance or MGS3: Subsistance) that will also appear on the XBox 360 (the green colour of the text and the on-symbol hint to that). But that wouldn't really be a new Metal Gear..

Well, I think I'm going to stare at it for a few more hours and see what I can come up with.

EDIT: ! doesn't neccesarily stand for Metal Gear Ac!d since the symbol is used in every Metal Gear game when a guard sees you.


Interzone Vagabond
Jun 10, 2008
Aardvark Soup said:
Another more likely possibility is a new version of MGS4 (like MGS2: Substance or MGS3: Subsistance) that will also appear on the XBox 360 (the green colour of the text and the on-symbol hint to that). But that wouldn't really be a new Metal Gear..
It's only more likely if you think they want to split this over 5-8 DVD9s or compress the hell out of everything. I happen to NOT think that's likely.

The green that is used is also very close to the VR Missions green or the green motif found in various parts of Ac!d. Plus, there's that whole little i + exclamation point thing that makes iPhone/iPod Touch fit well with Ac!d.

And you seem to have arrived at one significant interpretation of the message, "A NEXT Metal Gear is," which does seem to strongly imply (to me at least) this is a new title, not a port.

None of the above completely discounts your speculation about a DS title, except perhaps the "i" thing, which is by no means conclusive.


Not David Bowie
Apr 3, 2008
I've heard that MGS4 might make it onto the X-box 360 but I'm not holding my breath.
Kojima said no...And when he says no he means no.

Unless someone gives him a lot of money


Assume That I Hate You.
Aug 13, 2008
Wargamer said:
Kojima is all over Apple (they even had an iPod in MGS4 for god's sake!) so I think a possible iPhone port is on the cards.
Oh god an iPhone port? Please no... but yeah, I remember Kojima saying it wouldn't go to the 360 because of hardware limitations, but if they managed to dumb down some stuff, I think they might consider it. I mean, a version of 2 came out for the original Xbox, if anyone remembers.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
iPhone Ac!d seems to be the most likely conclusion.

Heh, I wonder how they would break the 4th wall to the player then?

"Oh, I see your mother is calling from work, should I answer for you?"

That would be insanely creepy.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
yeah i don't think it's going to be for the 360 if so it might be a new mgs game totally

the ! in the power symbol is a bit odd too


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Shiuz91 said:
If it came out on XBOX I think I might get it.

Edit: I can just imagine the achievements.

Saint Like Patience: 400 GP
You sat through all of the cut scenes.
Okay, as much as I hate it when anyone who hasn't played an MGS game with cutscenes make a crack like that, I have to admit that that's fucking funny.

Score one banana point for you mister.


New member
Dec 3, 2007
I think something for the brand-spanking new DSi would be pretty likely.

iPhone wouldn't really suprise me, either, seeing how Snake himself had an iPod in MGS4.