Get Ready For The Michael Phelps Videogame

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Get Ready For The Michael Phelps Videogame

Michael Phelps [], a guy who undeniably swims really, really well, has announced a deal to take his career to its next logical step: videogame development.

Phelps won a record-setting eight gold medals at the Sportsman of the Year [] by Sports Illustrated.

Developed at 505 Games' [] new Los Angeles-based U.S. operation, Phelps' game is being called "the first of its kind" and may also include appearances by some of his Olympic teammates. A portion of the proceeds will be donated the Michael Phelps Foundation, a charity that promotes youth swimming and water safety.

"I am really excited to partner with 505 Games and work with them to develop a game that is reflective of my personality, lifestyle and competitive nature," Phelps said. "I believe this will be a tremendous opportunity to help continue my quest to raise the profile for the sport of swimming."

"505 Games is proud to partner with Michael Phelps to create innovative new game play experiences that celebrate active lifestyles, the spirit of competition and the inspirational dream of becoming a champion," added 505 Games U.S. President Adam Kline. "Through swimming, Michael has become an international superstar and role model for people of all ages."

Details about the actual game haven't been released, but it's a safe bet that it's going to be a swimming videogame. Let me go on record right now as saying that it is also going to suck. It's going to suck bad. It's going to suck like American Anthem []. It's going to suck - dare I say it? - Olympically.

But for those who just can't get enough of Michael Phelps, hot Olympic 400-meter Individual Medley action or ill-conceived entertainment crossovers, the Michael Phelps videogame is scheduled for release in spring 2010.



New member
Dec 12, 2007
Malygris said:
"I am really excited to partner with 505 Games and work with them to develop a game that is reflective of my personality, lifestyle and competitive nature," Phelps said.
I know somebody who knew Michael Phelps in college, who said the man is actuallly a complete douchebag, so I hope they're not that accurate.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Malygris said:
Let me go on record right now as saying that it is also going to suck. It's going to suck bad.
I couldn't agree more. This is like the new Soulja Boy game coming out... Why do people buy this crap? If the consumers stopped buying crap games like these then they would stop being made.


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
That sounds super-dull.
He didn't seem like someone you'd want to get to know.
He isn't pretty. What? If I'm playing something boring it should at least be nice to look at.

And for a bonus cookie: Can anyone name a 505 game that didn't suck? All I can think of are the terrible ones that were in the bargain section.

L.B. Jeffries

New member
Nov 29, 2007
Is it going to be an eating game? It'd be kinda fun to run around trying to eat entire pizzas before a big match.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
galletea said:
He isn't pretty.
Seriously: A friend of mine showed me a cover of sports illustrated with Phelps on the cover, I didn't know what he looked like, and I SERIOUSLY asked if there was a cover story on the Special Olympics.

He's a great athlete, no doubt.
Video game material? Not unless he gets kidnapped and 'kung-fu's his way out of it.

Conqueror Kenny

New member
Jan 14, 2008
Baby Tea said:
He's a great athlete, no doubt.
Video game material? Not unless he gets kidnapped and 'kung-fu's his way out of it.
You mean we can get Phelps-fu? Can't wait. []


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Whew!!! I've always wanted to play a game where I had to swim in a straight line multiple times. Are they going to have rapid button pressing too. Maybe quick events in the middle of the lane when the drunk swimmer from (insert a traditionally drunk group of people here) comes across the lane in an attempt to stop you from splashing him. Sounds like an adventure!

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
Alright, I'll cop to enjoying the swimming and diving events in Summer Games, but I really don't think that swimming could support an entire title. Yes, this is a celebrity tie-in, I know, but even as such it's a massive reach.

I plan to stay well the heck away.

-- Steve


New member
Dec 21, 2007
pfft this game will sell really well because it has all the hallmarks of wii classic. Seriously this is no worse a concept than 9/10 wii games that have gone on to somehow sell very well, and the fanboys will marvel in its prowess... did i sell it well enough.

Seriously though we all know it'll suck, i'm just worried that its another game on the wii that someone will force me to play at some point. What a wasted console!!!

Alone Disciple

New member
Jun 10, 2008
Perhaps there will be a "shave my body" mini-game for some of you to pique your interest.

Maybe you unlock diffrent colored Speedos?

There may even be a consume 15000+ calories a day mini game.


New member
Oct 13, 2008
Alone Disciple said:
Perhaps there will be a "shave my body" mini-game for some of you to pique your interest.
Oh my god, I'd be over the moon if that was in there!

In any case, did the morph a picture of Michael Phelps with Gary Neville from Man U?


New member
Dec 11, 2008
conqueror Kenny said:
Baby Tea said:
He's a great athlete, no doubt.
Video game material? Not unless he gets kidnapped and 'kung-fu's his way out of it.
You mean we can get Phelps-fu? Can't wait. []
Precisely what I was thinking. That or it's a wii game and you have to doggy-paddle your way to victory.

Why can't they remake good swimming games... like Echo the Dolphin. Aside from that, I only recall Mario pulling it off with an aspect of entertainment.

I could go on a huge rant about just how little being the strongest fastest swimmer has no bearing on the real world, but that's just pulling teeth at this point. Can Phelps outswim a shark? If the answer is yes, I'll print this post and eat it. If not, his bragging rights mean all of nothing.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Elurindel said:
Malygris said:
"I am really excited to partner with 505 Games and work with them to develop a game that is reflective of my personality, lifestyle and competitive nature," Phelps said.
I know somebody who knew Michael Phelps in college, who said the man is actuallly a complete douchebag, so I hope they're not that accurate.
People can change after college...

On topic, its being made by the same guys who make terrible Wii shovelware, so don't old your breath (geddit?) for a decent game.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
oh god, It's gonna be on the Wii, isn't it?
What's next, a black president?...........
*creeps into corner*

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Susan Arendt said:
Michael Phelps is the new Aquaman. You heard it here first.

*nods sagely
So he has beard growth and the loss of a hand to look forward to?
