Christmas Ruined as Fable II DLC Delayed

Jared Rea

New member
Aug 11, 2008
Christmas Ruined as Fable II DLC Delayed

Microsoft refers to "unexpected technical difficulties" for the previously scheduled December 22 release. Demanding answers, we write to the only man who can give it to us straight.

Dear Santa,

Please excuse this highly unorthodox second correspondence on my part this year, as I assure you it has nothing to do whatsoever with the previously received Christmas list. This message is on the behalf of the citizens of Xbox Live who were anxiously awaiting the arrival of new, downloadable content for this years role-playing smash, Fable II [].


Why hath Knothole Island [] content pack, quote, "until late January 2009." While they refer to unexpected technical difficulties as the culprit, do they not believe in the spirit of Christmas? Many a small child shall wake up to a bundle of wrapped gifts, underneath which awaits a brand-new Xbox 360. For some, it may even be their first videogame console of all. What did these children -- their dreams having been filled with visions of new experiences and endless supplies of new, online content -- do to deserve the bitter disappointment of technical delays?

As our friend Michael McWhertor at Kotaku [] pointed out, such a poor situation has become all too common in the tale of Fable II, as this delay is just one of many that Mr. Molyneux and his motley crew of developers have to fess up to. That is why I ask of you, dearest Santa, would it be too much to ask for you to send a few workshop elves to their Guildford offices? Surely, in these dire times you must have employed at least a few laid-off programmers up at the North Pole. I would be every so grateful if you could make that so, as would the rest of their fans for what would surely be a Christmas miracle.

I leave it in your capable hands, Santa. God speed, sweet prince of Winter.


PS: Don't forget - Kota the Triceratops [].



New member
Oct 13, 2008
What a bummer. I was really looking forward to this for X-Mas...

Oh well, guess I'll be waiting until Late Jan 09 for it :(


New member
Aug 10, 2008
Graaaaa!! i realy wanted this DLC to now what am i going to do for the rest of the year


Keeper of the Beer
Oct 22, 2008
How many times has this been delayed already, I'm at the point that I don't care anymore. When it comes out it comes out.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Jared Rea said:
That is why I ask of you, dearest Santa, would it be too much to ask for you to send a few workshop elves to their Guildford offices?
For the elves sake I hope it is too much to ask of Santa to send some of them there :-D. Sucks to see yet another delay, though im more put off finding out Empire: Total War has been pushed back a month to March. Still, better late than broken I guess (though taking ages & still having to delay is a bad thing u naughty naughty game devs out there).

Eagle Est1986

That One Guy
Nov 21, 2007
Well that's that settled, I'm not buying that now. I'd be surprised if I still own a copy of the game by that time.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
Dommyboy said:
Slightly off topic here but what does the Fable 2 DLC actually contain?
That's a very good question. I'm kinda curious myself, but then again I've kinda seen snippets of the content. Though I have to admit it really hasn't been anything that sucked me in to it. Sure a new place to explore and all that fun stuff, but It just doesn't seem to generate that glee I had when I first popped in Fable II for the first time. Guess I'm a bit tough on my DLC. XD


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Well this sucks. I was holding off on selling back Fable 2 because of the DLC. I might just go ahead and sell it back now.

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
Dommyboy said:
Slightly off topic here but what does the Fable 2 DLC actually contain?
Basically, an island. It's called Knothole Island, and basically has what people in the Lionhead forums were clamouring for; a few dungeon romps, clothing (which seems a little 'meh' to me), beaches and snow (due to a weather machine).

Sounds good, but I was looking forward to it being released in the next week rather than the next six.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
I'm not sure santas little elves are the best ones to help with Fables DLC. The story might end up being about the spirit of christmas, quests will envolve singing carols, and you'l get a new dog, with a bright red nose.

L.B. Jeffries

New member
Nov 29, 2007
This is totally off-topic, but I felt the impulse to google image "Nooooooo" and just post the pic in this thread for a laugh.

I kid you not, depending on the number of o's you put at the end, the search engine comes up with totally different images. Oh interwebs....