Beer: The Fuel Of The Future

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Beer: The Fuel Of The Future

It's like manna from Heaven: Tests are set to begin on a new refining process that will turn leftover beer sludge into ethanol.

The E-Fuel [], the company behind the EFuel100 Home Ethanol System, to test the possibility of using the portable ethanol refineries to convert throw-away beer yeast into ethanol fuel. Sierra Nevada cranks out 1.6 million gallons of "bottom of the barrel" waste, which is currently sells to local farmers as a nutritional supplement for cows.

The EFuel100 operates by mixing and fermenting water and sugar into ethanol, which is mixed into gasoline at a rate of ten percent to create E10, or "gasohol," a partially oxygenated fuel that produces less pollution than pure gasoline. Sierra Nevada will begin using the ethanol in company vehicles, while future surpluses will go to employees and be distributed via E-Fuel.

Ethanol is growing in popularity as an additive and a stand-alone fuel; many U.S. states mandate some form of alcohol/gasoline blending and "FlexFuel" vehicles, designed to run on E85 ethanol/gasoline mixtures are becoming increasingly common. Brazil, Russia and China already have extensive ethanol programs in use.

But the important thing here, of course, is that all of this can be done with beer. With roots reaching back through the milennia, beer is truly a universal miracle. From keeping ancient Egyptian slaves docile to powering the cars of the future, is there anything beer can't do?

Source: Cnet []



New member
Dec 11, 2007
But is this a viable source of ethanol? So many things are turned to ethanol, but it takes too much oil and causes to much pollution to refine it that it eventually does no good for the environment. Corn is a good example of a bad ethanol, while sugar cane is the best source of ethanol at the moment, I am just curious where beer will fall in in terms of efficiency.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Don't drink and drive, we'll make sure of that by making drink INTO drive!

Hunde Des Krieg

New member
Sep 30, 2008
super_smash_jesus said:
But is this a viable source of ethanol? So many things are turned to ethanol, but it takes too much oil and causes to much pollution to refine it that it eventually does no good for the environment. Corn is a good example of a bad ethanol, while sugar cane is the best source of ethanol at the moment, I am just curious where beer will fall in in terms of efficiency.
Ethanol is not a good Idea anyway, the methods for attaining it takes up too much cropland and drives up food prices. And like you say it is still polluting.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Correction Hunde, the current methods of refining ethanol drives up food prices and causes more pollution.

They are working on refining large enough quantities of a certain enzyme that can extract ethanol from landfills. The enzyme is produced in the stomach of an insect, but I can't remember which one. I think it was a tick.


New member
Nov 20, 2007
Here in Australia, we've been using the leftover yeast sludge from beer for years.
We just put it in a glass jar and call it 'Vegemite'


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Limos said:
Correction Hunde, the current methods of refining ethanol drives up food prices and causes more pollution.

They are working on refining large enough quantities of a certain enzyme that can extract ethanol from landfills. The enzyme is produced in the stomach of an insect, but I can't remember which one. I think it was a tick.
+ There's this, which will use EXISTING waste.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
I can already imagine the policeman stopping a person.
-I smell alcohol, have you been drinking sir.
-No, I've just been using my new alcohol fueled car.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Wouldukindly said:
Hankage said:
Malygris said:
From keeping ancient Egyptian slaves docile to powering the cars of the future, is there anything beer can't do?
Taste good.

Of course I'll go with my favourite Simpsons quote on this one: "To beer, the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."
That was "to alcohol".

But another quote:

One for my car, one for me. One for my car, one for me.