Giant Venomous Spiders Invade Aussie Town

Earnest Cavalli

New member
Jun 19, 2008
Giant Venomous Spiders Invade Aussie Town

Gigantic Eastern Tarantulas are invading a small town in the Australian Outback, offering locals good reason to run screaming from their homes.

The town, known as Bowen, is located on the Queensland coast, roughly 700 miles northwest of Brisbane. As of the 2006 census the population of Bowen stood at slightly less than 8,000 people.

The spiders, colloquially known as "bird-eating spiders" have recently begun "crawling out from gardens and venturing into public spaces in Bowen."

Given that the spiders can grow as large as a human hand and are one of the few tarantula species with venom potent enough to harm a human, it's no surprise that the locals are wary of the arachnids.

To wit, a recent tale offered by the U.K.'s Times Online []:

Earlier this week locals spotted an Australian tarantula wandering towards a public garden in the centre of town where people often sit for lunch. They called in a pest controller, but not before using a can of insect spray to paralyse the spider.

Audy Geiszler, who runs Amalgamated Pest Control in Bowen, said that the spider was a large male with powerful long fangs and was so big that when he placed it - dead - in the palm of his hand its legs hung over his fingers.

Geiszler, who seems optimistic yet wary, explains the abundance of creepy crawlies as a side effect of humanity's destruction of the tarantula's natural habitat. By building up towns in the Australian Outback, the spiders have been forced into contact with humans. Australia's recent heavy rains have also contributed, driving the spiders to seek shelter within the same dwellings designed to keep Bowen's residents safe and dry.

So what does Geiszler suggest to residents who come in contact with the spiders? "I've warned folks around here to make sure they wear shoes and gloves when they are gardening at the moment as it can be a very nasty bite," he says.

Jeff Daniels, on the other hand, suggests homemade flamethrowers, and throwing the creatures into the nearest fuse box [].


Tech Team FTW!

New member
Apr 1, 2009
I live in Australia and this is the first I have heard of this.
Damn you traditional media! How dare you focus on swine flu instead of the real issue of giant spiders!!!

A similar situation exists in Tasmania (I think) where residents of a town are terrorised by large, extremely resilient ants that can kill if you have an allergy to their venom, an allergy which is very common.

Come to Australia!
We have the greatest wildlife in the world!


The Nice-talgia Kerrick
Feb 28, 2009
Aaaah, WHY did I click on the thread knowing full well there'd be a picture of said spiders in the OP??

I'm gonna go cry now...


Free of All Weakness
Jul 8, 2008
Oh god. I would move out of that town faster than you could say "Massive Spider Army".

But I imagine Aussies have a better relationship with those things. Largest spider I've seen myself was about the size of a bottle cap. The body that is. It didn't have that long legs, so imagine a slightly larger bottle cap, and there you have the size.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Thanks for this one of my greatest fears has come true...invading spiders.

Also, I am so glad to be living in the USA after reading that. Those giant spiders are terrifying.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
The one thing I love about Britain... You can count the dangerous animals on one hand.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
'Giant Venomous Spiders Invade Aussie Town'

Oh, so it must be a Friday then.

Fun growing up in rural Australia anecdote!

I was three years old, and I had one of those tricycles with a bucket in between the back wheels. One time I was looking out of our back window, and a red bellied black snake calmly slithered along and curled up to go to sleep, in the bucket of my tricycle.

It was almost 8 years before I touched a bike again.


New member
May 6, 2009
Spiders aren?t the real threat its those damn cane toads we should be worried about there plotting something I know it.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Pi_Fighter said:
I live in Australia and this is the first I have heard of this.
Damn you traditional media! How dare you focus on swine flu instead of the real issue of giant spiders!!!

A similar situation exists in Tasmania (I think) where residents of a town are terrorised by large, extremely resilient ants that can kill if you have an allergy to their venom, an allergy which is very common.

Come to Australia!
We have the greatest wildlife in the world!
Come to Australia! You might accidentally get killed!

As scary and hardcore as these spiders are, nothing beats the Sydney Funnelweb spider, for being the only animal in the world who genuinely wants to kill you and will cheerfully chase you down even when you don't invade its territory.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
This is a perfect example of why Australia is one of the most dangerous continents on Earth bar none. I am NEVER going there unless I absolutely have to after reading this article. (Not because of you Aussies out there- I bear no ill will towards you- but because of Australia's virulently venomous wildlife)


New member
Oct 11, 2008
I must be tired, because I read "Given that the spiders can grow as large as a human..." o_O

Well, either way, damn...