Sony Europe Kicks Off Christmas With Marketing Blitz

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Sony Europe Kicks Off Christmas With Marketing Blitz

Sony Europe has launched head-first into preparing to win this year's holiday showdown with a £82m "pan-European" marketing blitz for the PlayStation 3.

With last week's official unveiling of the PS3 Slim, Sony seems to be moving full speed ahead - yeah, it might still be August, but no reason not to strike the first blow while people are starting to maybe consider what they could potentially want to think about getting as gifts for this upcoming holiday season, right?

That's what SCEE is banking on, anyway - the company will launch an £82m advertising campaign across Europe tonight, reports fairly straightforward []: Here's the new PS3 at its shiny new affordable price, and here's all the cool stuff it can do beyond just playing games.

"Two years after launch PlayStation 3 is realizing its full potential," said Alan Duncan, UK marketing director. "The console is moving beyond gaming and gaming is moving beyond discs." It's an interesting push, to be sure - as CVG [] notes, Sony boss Kaz Hirai admitted that the focus on the PS3's non-gaming functionality at launch led to the console having a bit of an "identity crisis," with many coming to view it as an inferior platform for actually playing games. Two years later, though, that problem seems to have vanished - leaving Sony ready to promote the hell out of the other stuff the PS3 can do once again.

Despite lagging behind the competition in third place worldwide for the console's lifespan, Sony seems in a pretty good spot this holiday - the new PS3 at a significantly more comfortable price point should prove pretty tantalizing, for one. One might make the argument that there are hardly any blockbusters coming out for the system this holiday season, but then one might also get smacked for being wrong, because the 360 has the same issue - they're 2010 [] instead.


Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Let's hope that 82 million isn't thrown into the pond, just to watch it float.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
About time, it's only three years late!

I can't remember a single advert when the PS3 actually came out in the UK, heavenly sword ones eventually turned up, it was bizarre.


Digs Giant Robots
Dec 30, 2008
fix-the-spade said:
About time, it's only three years late!
Better late than never right?

I really hope Sony knows what they are doing, because I really want them to start doing well again.

Christ I sound like I'm their mother.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
Marketing blitz,blah blah blah. I'll just restate: i'd love to buy PS3,but i don't have fat wads of cash nessecary to do so.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
Forget adverts, I don't care about them! What I'm not happy about with SCEE right now is how its more expensive to get the console in Europe, especially in the UK, compared to everywhere else in the world. Seriously, 299 Euro's and £249?? if in America its $299, then its theoretically meant to be £179 to buy in England, and 209 Euro's across the rest of Europe! I'm not happy with it, and its stopping me from getting another PS3 (my last one broke, £140 to get it replaced, not doing that either, oh no!)

Still, at least their advertising it...


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Says nothing about the games on the console and instead tells the consumer it can play music videos...


New member
May 31, 2009
Dudeakoff said:
Says nothing about the games on the console and instead tells the consumer it can play music videos...
I figured Sony's best shot at making the PS3 more appealing was to give it a mouth-watering exclusive game selection...I guess Sony figured differently. (IT PLAYS YOUR BLU-RAY MOVIES)