Stolen Pixels #124: Heeeere's BREEN!

Shamus Young

New member
Jul 7, 2008
Stolen Pixels #124: Heeeere's BREEN!

Wallace Breen comments on Langdell, StarCraft and Unit 4267-P debuts as the official After Curfew band.

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New member
Sep 9, 2008
I've been tossing around the idea of a voice-recognition system on mobile phones to send text messages, then a synthesiser to read them out to you when you receive them. Then remove the actual call function of the phone. There'll be enough idiots to market this to and I can see the phone companies getting behind this 100%.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
I still think the whole LAN thing is being blown way out of proportion, myself.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Great comic. Is it just me, or is the Evil League of Evil from Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog?

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Shamus Young said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
I still think the whole LAN thing is being blown way out of proportion, myself.
Ten years, and it's all we ever played.

And we played a lot.
I don't doubt that it was instrumental to the success of the first StarCraft, and I remember bypassing the security in our computer lab on campus to install spawns and do 3v5 compstomp. I just question the need for it in this day and age. The last time I played a LAN game was... maybe a session of DotA a few years back, and for the most part we just went over with that, anyway.

I understand the very real concerns over having EVERYTHING be over, what with latency being a problem if you A.) are running a big tournament, B.) are playing competitively and every bit of lag counts, or C.) are behind some sort of restrictive firewall, like at college. These are very real complaints, but I think that the whole "ping to to set things up, then run off of LAN" addresses it nicely. I mean hell, the last time I LANned, I still had an internet connection so that I could check MSN and email while we played.

It just seems so rare to me to be off the grid these days. Now, granted, that's from the perspective of a PC lifestyle gamer in a developed nation, but even knowing other PC lifestyle gamers, I was hard-pressed to find any in the area who have LANned at all recently.


New member
Jul 14, 2008
The last time I played LAN was july. The next one, tomorrow.

15 friends, in a house in the coast with no internet connection, all weekend long.

LANs are not so rare. Neither are LANs without internet connection. Asking to maintain an internet connection is retarded when you're playing single or LAN, and will only make them lose sales. In fact, I can guarantee that they've lost 15 sales because of that.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Brace yourselves for Diablo III not supporting monster drops and Call of Duty 6 not supporting guns.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
I still think the whole LAN thing is being blown way out of proportion, myself.
Shamus Young said:
Ten years, and it's all we ever played.

And we played a lot.
Hold on to your hats, there's in-fighting going on! Any bets on other staff members joining?

Nice comic, but we've had Breen up there quite frequently, so I'm looking forward to a transition.


New member
May 21, 2008
Sewblon said:
Brace yourselves for Diablo III not supporting monster drops.
This post nearly made me faint.
Sure, Diablo without item drops sounds like blasphemy, but then again so does Star Craft without LAN.

Aardvark said:
I've been tossing around the idea of a voice-recognition system on mobile phones to send text messages, then a synthesiser to read them out to you when you receive them. Then remove the actual call function of the phone. There'll be enough idiots to market this to and I can see the phone companies getting behind this 100%.
Considering people are making cell phone apps that allow you to play sounds at high frequencies a lot of people can't hear, Tpain Autotune, seeing where everyone else with the app is at this very moment, tweet on Twitter, play mosquito sounds.... I think that this is a brilliant idea. Especially when put next to the stuff already released.

Great comic, Shamus. Great to see Langdell out of his position.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
I don't follow much Blizzard news, so this comic was sort of so-so for me. The band at the end, however, got me chuckling. The drummer looks like he's really getting into it there, as much as a Combine can.

I have to admit as to being utterly mystified as to why the Evil League of Evil link points to that blog, though. Is it an in-joke, or something? Or just added randomness?


New member
Apr 13, 2009
And next in the news: riots in South Korea kill ten Blizzard representatives in a heady clash.

South Korea declares war on America and allies with North Korea.

Two days later:

Russia has joined the war.

Another day passes:

America declares war on Russia.


Russia fires nuclear weapons at America and all of its allies.

America and her allies reply.

World ends for Starcraft.

Note: this post is entirely satirical and not meant to offend any nation or person, and does not seriously imply that any of those mentioned would go ahead with the actions contained therein. This remains unlikely as a doomsday scenario, yet is more hilarious than some.


Flaming Voodoo Cannonball!
May 13, 2009
Hey Shamus!

First time reader, loved the whole wacky gamer humor thing.

I'm sure you get asked this question all the time, but:
Is there actually going to be any stolen pixels... in your stolen pixels comic... thing? I mean, since it's the name of the... you know? Some people might get a bit disappointed.

And wtf? Still no Starcraft2 LAN?

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
OK, I'm a little confused here, what are they supposed to be doing in these panels? Are they trying to be funny or is this just a light-hearted game news outlet? Help please.