Rage to Have Economy, Crafting

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Rage to Have Economy, Crafting

Id said that Rage plans to offer the ability to craft engineering items and weapons through purchased recipes and rewards.

Rage is the first shooter based on new IP from Id since Quake. While it's been known that Id was planning for Rage to have RPG elements, Tim Willits revealed in an interview at NowGamer [http://www.nowgamer.com/features/501/exclusive-rage-qa?o=0#listing] what those elements might be. Willits, Creative Director at Id, said that recipes will be awarded for completing portions of the game and that stores will exist for players to purchase the materials needed to craft items from those recipes. Rage has no official release date yet but it is slated for 2010.

Willits had this to say about the guns and other items available for purchase in the game, "Rage has an economy where you are allowed to choose how you spend your money earned through combat and racing. You might decide you love the wingstick (a boomerang-cum-shuriken weapon) and stock up on them, or you may feel inclined to purchase parts to build more sentry bots or to keep your armour upgraded and repaired." I have to say that the phrase, "boomerang-cum-shuriken" has me raising my eyebrows.

As for the crafting, Willits said, "Through your relationships with characters in the game, you earn recipes over time. Then you buy, loot, or receive as rewards the different ingredients that each recipe calls for. We then teach the player how to use these items in appropriate areas. Engineering items should become a great player choice mechanic, allowing for varied player experiences."

While the post-apocalyptic setting feels anything but fresh, Rage is trying to break new ground for Id. Largely responsible for creating the FPS genre, Id is now free to play with that formula by adding RPG and racing game elements.

I just hope that all those RPG and racing game spices don't mess up the shooter stew, so to speak. Ugh, that's an awful metaphor...

Source: NowGamer [http://www.nowgamer.com/features/501/exclusive-rage-qa?o=0#listing]



New member
Feb 25, 2008
Furburt said:
And yet no dedicated servers. Sad.
The more I hear about Rage, the more I'm expecting MMO style world servers, which 'aren't' dedicated servers in the strictest fps sense. But they would make sense in the context of what Carmack and co seem to be making.

Provided they get the lag and payer numbers issues dealt with there's no reason it can't work, it mostly worked for Planetside. I guess we'll just have to wait for the full technical details and gameplay to be revealed.

I may of course be clutching at straws after the horrors of online play in Me....wt....t...(finding new host prepare to read in...
finding new host prepare to read in...
finding new host prepare to read in...


Sep 5, 2009
One of the few games I'm looking forward to in next years' line up.

It does kind of look like Fallout 3, but since Fallout 3 was largely disappointing and broken in my eyes (for every time I had to reload after getting stuck in the world geometry, on both PS3 and PC...), it'll be nice to see something functional. With cars. So I don't have to walk ungodly distances.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
I'm not really sure what to think about Rage. On the one hand, I loves me some post-apocalyptic settings, but on the other hand, we've been getting rather a lot of those lately. I guess I'll have to wait and see how this actually plays.


Jan 23, 2008
Yay, as if I needed ANOTHER to not like this.

Throw in grind/leveling systems (which we know this kind of game will have) and I'll make sure to avoid it like the plague.

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
Eh. I'm not a particularly big fan of crafting systems in video games. I always end up with tons of parts but have nothing to do with them just because I'm missing one part. Or when I finally do craft a weapon I find a better one just lying around in the wilderness. But I guess I'm just always going to prefer beating up baddies to get weapons rather than building them or buying them from stores.

And on the topic of post-apocalyptic games, have we really had that many recently? Off the top of my head all I can think of is Fallout 3, but I'm sure I'm forgetting others.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Oh, how original, get some quest items and a guide and a weapon is made, original work guys.


New member
Nov 1, 2009
FPS in a post-apocalyptic / desert setting with RPG elements? What an originial idea!

But really I'm fine with it if the game turns out good.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
game still looks like fallout 3 meets borderlands vehicles to me, still could be interesting no?


Queen of France
Mar 14, 2009
I thought the whole point of "Rage" was anarchy.

They're missing such a good idea.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
If the pic is an actual screenshot, then I'll be looking forward to this engine being released. That's looks mighty fine.

It's a shame that id hasn't made a decent game in years now. Decent game engines - yes. But they haven't been pushing far beyond "get key, open door, kill more baddies".

This may change that, though. It's making me curious at the very least.


Rocket Scientist
Feb 7, 2008
That is an actual screenshot.


Anyways, when it comes to Rage's multiplayer; we have absolutely no idea how it'll work. id hasn't even given us any details whatsoever pertianing to what the MP will be about. It's possible that it'll be co-op missions and racing in which case match-making would make perfect sense (even on the PC platform).

The only reason I was up in arms about CoD:MW2's lack of dedicated servers is because Match Making sucks for larger scaled FPS games. It makes more sense for games like COD to have a server browser / dedicated servers. When it comes to Rage, no one outside of id has any idea what kind of MP it will have, so I'm saving my criticisms until we know more.

If anyone can pull off an FPSRPG game it would be id Software. Fallout 3 was good and all, but the FPS portions of the game were lackluster at best. I look forward to the game, and it does look visually stunning, I've never seen desert landscapes look so good. I have to reserve final judgments until I learn more about how the game will play though. Some long term gameplay footage or something of the sorts.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Furburt said:
And yet no dedicated servers. Sad.
But I'm still more excited about this than I ever was about Borderlands, if only because this has a much stronger Mad Max feel than Borderlands.

I'm a bit worried that they'll try to cram too much into this game, that they try to mix too many things together and that no part is properly fleshed out.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I'm sure you're all well aware the game was announced officially in 2007. Well before Fallout 3's release. And I'm sure you're all well aware that after Doom III's release in 2004, they had begun work on a new engine and IP. But no, they're just copying all the other games, after five years of work.

We'll see though, the last ID game I really enjoyed was Quake which was 13 years ago. A fair amount of the creative part of the company departed, even though the tech department (and John Carmack is a God) is still there, they may have stopped the ability to make fun games. We'll see, and I'll end up buying it because I <3 ID. They made the best game ever, so I can't just say no. Besides, Doom was originally meant to be a more interactive experience, with collection of items, inventory, NPC's, dialogue, objectives, but the tech wasn't there.

With the Zenimax sale I think Rage will either make or break the company though. It'll either show they're an amazing dev team that can advance technology while making a game that's fun, enjoyable, and incorporates modern gameplay themes while turning a profit, or that they're an aging dinosaur that makes great tech but can't make a fun gave to save their lives. Either way, I still have Doom.

And the boomerang-cum-shuriken reminded me of the feral child in The Road Warrior. That was a badass boomerang.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Spirultima said:
Oh, how original, get some quest items and a guide and a weapon is made, original work guys.
Yeah, where have we seen this mechanic before...

Well, as long as they oull it off, it should be ok


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Well, being a fan of both first-person shooter (especially id's) and RPGs, this doesn't exactly make the game less attractive. Of course I'm assuming that they know not to let the RPG elements mess up the shooting mechanics and such.

*eagerly awaits the next announcement/reveal for the game*


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I won't kid that when I read the word "economy", I instantly thought of an alternative title for the game: "Rage of Empires". Yes I know, it's a horrible pun. Can't really control the way my mind thinks.

The whole economy thing is indeed misleading for what is, essentially, an upgrading system. It's not like they have announced that some shops in the game can get bigger or close entirely depending on whether you pour cash on them.