The concept of the wet computer does sound interesting and has potentially many benefits, especially in the medical field. More intelligent prosthetics would be as close to a miracle as someone with a missing limb could get, and that alone is worth the research.
Implementing this tech towards a self-aware robot (let's just call it an android) seems a bit much so soon. Sure, it would be great, but that seems like a lofty goal already. Robotics is making great progress, but androids don't quite seem exactly what the world needs right now. The idea is exciting, but belongs more in the "dream" category.
I'd love to see the actual progress they can make if the wet computer can be brought to a final stage. The interest from third party companies will take that tech to new levels not imagined by the original developers, and that's when we'll see the real magic start to happen. Let's just cross our fingers that this tech won't be included into cell phone tech or sex toys. Hate to go blue on this reply, but with Roxxxy just coming out to the market, you know eventually this tech could be used to create an even more realistic sex doll.