EA Sports Not On Board With 3D Gaming Yet

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
EA Sports Not On Board With 3D Gaming Yet

EA Sports is not convinced that 3D-enabled videogames will be the next big thing for 2010.

Sony announced at CES this year that 3D gaming would be a Satoru Iwata does [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/97311-Sony-Achieves-Record-Holiday-3D-a-Future-Focus], but he did tell GamesIndustry.biz that EA Sports won't be supporting the technology in 2010.

Moore acknowledged Sony's push for 3D, saying "From Howard Stringer down, Sony has made it a strategic imperative for the company. And when Sony does something of that nature then we as a company need to sit up and take notice." However, EA Sports is taking the "wait and see" approach with 3D, as Moore continues: "But believe me there's nothing going on right now that would say I'm ready to demo a 3D sports game. Nothing at all."

The focus for EA's line of top-selling sports games will instead be on the Xbox 360's Project Natal and the PlayStation 3's would-you-just-officially-name-it-already-thing (currently Arc [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/97578-Rumor-PS3-Motion-Controller-Is-Actually-Called-Arc]). Moore made it known that key EA Sports franchises would be supporting both motion control systems. "We're getting in sync with Sony's motion controller and Project Natal with what Sony and Microsoft want to do with their publishing partners, so stay tuned for further information on that as we get closer to the date."

3D gaming is still one of those things that still hasn't been proven or disproven yet, apparently even in the eyes of head honchos such as Peter Moore. Demonstrations of LittleBigPlanet and Gran Turismo in 3D have sounded promising, but I tend to agree with Iwata that many people won't want to sit in front of a television with a pair of glasses on to experience the effect. 3D will have to be a pretty big game-changer to matter at all. Now, if Sony wants to implement hologram technology into the PlayStation 3, I'll have no problem with that.

Source: GamesIndustry.biz [http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/moore-ea-sports-has-nothing-going-on-with-3d]



New member
Mar 2, 2009
Let's see. We'd have to buy a new more expensive television (which is definitely something when you consider the price of HDTVs), toss our old "useless" and "crappy" HDTVs,look like even bigger dorks than we already do, get headaches, and run the risk of each 3DTV needing its own specialized glasses to work properly. Also, the glasses are apparently expensive. All that during recession.

Yeah, I can honestly see NO practical problem with 3D gaming. /Sarcasm.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Georgeman said:
Let's see. We'd have to buy a new more expensive television (which is definitely something when you consider the price of HDTVs), toss our old "useless" and "crappy" HDTVs,look like even bigger dorks than we already do, get headaches, and run the risk of each 3DTV needing its own specialized glasses to work properly. Also, the glasses are apparently expensive. All that during recession.

Yeah, I can honestly see NO practical problem with 3D gaming. /Sarcasm.
I'm inclined to agree with your stream of sarcasm there. Also, don't many sports games involve a rather distant over-the-field perspective? I can't see how 3D would be an incredible improvement for them.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Good for you lads. 3D was a fad when it first came out, it was a fad during it's first resurgence and it's a fad now. Not going along with the fad is a good call.


Keeper of Brannigan's Law
Oct 4, 2007
Regardless of the costs involved, I don't think 3D sports games would even work unless we start watching live sports in 3D, I mean most sporting games resemble watching it on a tv don't they


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
I don't think 3D gaming will really take off until, as he said, we have holograms to make it 3D. Motion controls seemed like a good idea, and I still don't think they've been taken advantage of in a way that makes me want to give up a controller, even with the Wii, Natal and that-Sony-thing-that-I-just-heard-of.

3D TV may be great in a couple years, but I don't think people will want to switch from HDTV so quickly. 3D gaming will have to wait.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Thank God, one of the big boys is on our side.

A pox on thee, 3D.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
3D gaming is too expensive to be practical.
For now.

There's always that stipulation when it comes to new technology. Still, I don't see 3D gaming becoming that big a deal for quite a while. A few daring devs might take a crack at it, but for now I bet it'll probably be relegated to the dust bin until it becomes cheaper.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
When I first read the tittle I thought "Haven't we had 3d gaming for about 20 years?"

Still the technology is so young, it's hard to imagine forcing people to wear glasses when gaming. I personally think people won't want to do that but I am welcome to the idea of it

[sub][sub]as long as I don't have to wear the damn glasses[/sub][/sub]


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2008
As much as I advocate new tech in gaming I do not support 3D in the least, even with avater (the pinnacle i suppose) I thought it still looked like an old videogame without AA turned on. and you sacrifice detail for an iffy effect which i'm not a fan of.


Man of Science
May 3, 2009
I use the nVidia 3D system for the PC, and it is very impressive.

However, I don't see it being a worthwhile avenue for consoles until perhaps the next gen (or beyond). Until people have 3D ready TV sets, the potential market would be vanishingly small.

Also, getting your eyes used to it varies greatly between people, I usually can only have the 3D active for around one hour at a time, longer than that and I risk headaches (varies a lot from game to game).

I've found that it's a bit hit and miss with the types of games that benefit from it (WH40k:Dawn of War, Titan Quest and Batman:AA all work particularly well that I've played recently), although I imagine FPS games might benefit from the depth it brings. I find top-down views work well for me.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Some people take up to 30mins for their eyes to acclimate to the change, even then a lot of people develop nausea after extended use. 3D gaming is the next big thing, but unless the health issues are addressed first it will be an expensive waste.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Elesar said:
Good for you lads. 3D was a fad when it first came out, it was a fad during it's first resurgence and it's a fad now. Not going along with the fad is a good call.
Thats what I think too. Its cool and all now but I hightly doubt that its going to be the nexe thing...

VR though, thats nothing different...heh


New member
May 18, 2009
3D gaming may be expensive now, but so were HDTV's (more expensive). It will get cheaper, and better. I doubt it will replace "2D" gaming completely, but Avatar looked awesome, so it would be nice to see some games 3D. Imagine playing a shooter, and time slows as you see bullets whizzing past and coming straight at your face.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
From someone who can only see out of 1 of his eyes, than therefore cannot enjoy 3D movies and therefore wouldn't be able to enjoy 3D games.

I JUST WISH THIS 3D CRAP WOULD GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(or figure out a way to give me my sight back, I'll take that too)


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Zenn3k said:
I JUST WISH THIS 3D CRAP WOULD GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree, if EA goes all out with this then what happens to Command and Conquer 4?