Uncharted 2 Creator Dropped Out of Film School To Make Games

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Uncharted 2 Creator Dropped Out of Film School To Make Games

The creative director for Uncharted 2 [http://www.amazon.com/Uncharted-2-Among-Thieves-Playstation-3/dp/B001JKTC9A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1278970263&sr=1-1] at Naughty Dog, Amy Hennig, was attending film school before she quit to make games.

There's a good reason that Uncharted 2 was called cinematic: its creative director took more than a few cues from her experience in film school, with a sprinkling of English major thrown in. Amy Hennig received a bachelor's degree in English literature from UC Berkeley before attending film school at San Francisco State in 1989. Then she got the opportunity to work at Atari on a game called Uncharted [http://www.amazon.com/Electrocop-Game-Atari-Lynx/dp/B001W81LWA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1279575189&sr=1-1]. Through it all, her knowledge of film and literature has informed her designs and might be a reason that Uncharted 2 received so many accolades.

"Everything I learned as an undergraduate with English literature and in film school about editing and shots and the language of film has come into play, but in a way I couldn't possibly have planned," she told the L.A. Times.

On her introduction into the business by working on Electrocop: "It was purely for pay. But once I started, my wheels began to turn and I had a lightbulb moment: that this was a more interesting and pioneering medium than film."

Being one of the few women with top-level creative positions in the business, Hennig is in a rare position to comment on the perceived sexism in the industry. She says it's all bullshit. "Usually, it has been men who gave me the opportunities I have had," she said. "I think this is a young enough and progressive enough industry that there just isn't any of that.

"It's a meritocracy in the sense that if you're a hard worker and people see you have an aptitude, you get a shot usually. Then your fate is in your hands."

The fact that she's a female does lend a certain amount of realism to the female characters in her games though. "There was an issue with breast size sometimes," she said. "I would say to the modelers, 'Let's take it down. How about a C [cup]?'"

Source: LA Times [http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-himi7-2010feb07,0,7109862.story]



The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Certainly explains the cinematic experience!

Well, she certainly made a good choice in eyes of how succesful it is


New member
Sep 12, 2007
Greg Tito said:
"There was an issue with breast size sometimes," she said. "I would say to the modelers, 'Let's take it down. How about a C [cup]?'"
This needs to be applauded. It turns me off when game characters are sporting veritable melons on their chests; some 3D artists are far too horny.

Also, I love that you felt the need to insert 'cup' into the last quote. It's almost as if you're not writing to a bunch of sexually-deprived nerds! Hah.

The Shade

New member
Mar 20, 2008
Well, if I drop out now and enter the games industry, I'll have the same start she did!

Except I'd prefer to stick with film for now. Games will remain my hobby - something to keep me sane instead of working all the time.
Apr 28, 2008
Finally, someone who made the artists reduce breast size!

Teh Blasta said:
CuddlyCombine said:
Greg Tito said:
"There was an issue with breast size sometimes," she said. "I would say to the modelers, 'Let's take it down. How about a C [cup]?'"
This needs to be applauded. It turns me off when game characters are sporting veritable melons on their chests; some 3D artists are far too horny.

*Starts slow clap*
*speeds up clap*


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
Irridium said:
Finally, someone who made the artists reduce breast size!

Teh Blasta said:
CuddlyCombine said:
Greg Tito said:
"There was an issue with breast size sometimes," she said. "I would say to the modelers, 'Let's take it down. How about a C [cup]?'"
This needs to be applauded. It turns me off when game characters are sporting veritable melons on their chests; some 3D artists are far too horny.

*Starts slow clap*
*speeds up clap*
*Slows clap back down*


New member
Mar 4, 2009
At least she had a degree first, but where's my incentive to quit school and get an actual job?


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Aerodynamic said:
That answers some questions.
Well that sounded kinda... ominous. Exactly what sort of questions are we talking? I do sincerely hope they're along the lines of "Why is Uncharted 2 so goddamn good?"...

OT: Well, it sure is nice to know that there's someone pushing the bar of game production quality to unseen heights. It's a bonus to know that she's also keeping those overenthusiastic sex-deprived modelers in check!


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Good show on her part. I liked Uncharted's cinematic feel, and the presence of a female character that wasn't just a drooling conveyance for a pair of watermelons was VERY much appreciated.

Someone should give this lady the Lara Croft franchise.


New member
Oct 10, 2007
I'm so tempted to buy a PS3 just for the two Uncharted games.

Amy Hennig is my hero in the video games industry. <3