Well, first time I got a console (PS2) one of the first games I got was Star Wars: Battlefront.
I asked my dad on his thoughts of "Should I buy it?" He said "Do what you want, I'm not a fan of video games, so I won't be playing it with you."
The next day, after buying it, i ask him if he wants to join me on Bespin. He couldn't figure out the dual-stick thing. (He kept running around looking straight up.) But he surprised me when I asked, "Wanna stop?" and he responded with "No, I'm gonna get this." It took him a few days, but when he figured it out, he was havimg more fun than me. Then for the next few months, it's been my Dad who asks if I want to play. We soon got bored of both SWB 1 and 2, so I looked into Timesplitters 2, I bought it, and we were having the same fun as the first time I bought Battlefront. Then a year ago, I bought a 360 finally, as I read the Halo books, curious as to what they could be, and I was more than hooked. So naturally the first game I bought was Halo: CE. My dad of course wanted to play, as he read the books as well, and wasn't as immersed as me, but still pretty hooked. We were having a blast. And then his birthday came up. I wanted to get him something good. And I remembered how he always wanted to be able to change the number of soldiers on each team in Battlefront. So we would change it to just us two vs. 30 others.
My natural desision was Army of Two. And it was the most fun we've ever had.