The Week In Review
On this week's edition CliffyB lays down his arms and Master Chief makes his Bollywood debut.
CliffyB Will not be Tooled-up on Jimmy Fallon
If your game sells a million and a half copies, you'd think that that would net you quite the tidy sum, but that's not necessarily the case, not if you're a small independent studio like Ninja Theory. "It's difficult. Heavenly Sword came out pretty early on the PS3, and we sold, I think, a million and a half copies, and that's still not enough as an independent studio to break even," said Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniade. "The publisher potentially breaks even at that point, but the developers don't." (link [])
On this week's edition CliffyB lays down his arms and Master Chief makes his Bollywood debut.
CliffyB Will not be Tooled-up on Jimmy Fallon