Update: Shoot Your Friends For Free In New MMO Shooter


Mortician of Love
May 25, 2010
Update: Shoot Your Friends For Free In New MMO Shooter

An upcoming shooter from an independent developer is going to not only promising a high-quality gaming experience, but one that will be free for gamers.

When you hear about free online games being developed, it's likely that the first thing to go through your head is that someone's trying to cash in on the casual MMOG craze. This time, however, an announced title sounds like it's going to be completely different from the free online game pack: An independent developer has announced a new "AAA" shooter that will be free to play.

Indie developer Online Warmongers has been working on a game called War Inc. Battle Zone, an online session-based shooter. The basic gameplay idea is that players will engage in various modes of team vs. team combat, across a series of different locations. Exactly what types of modes and locations have yet to be revealed though.

The game's backstory sounds, well, pretty much like that of every other shooter set in the near future. The economic chaos that began in 2008 continued to make life hellish around the world for a while, which caused breakdowns in international trade. Countries fell apart and mercenary groups become private armies. Players assume the role of a mercenary and then battle against other paramilitary units, presumably for the amusement of their corporate overlords.

"As players climb in rank, unlocking achievements, awards, and new features, they will also be able to join Units (clans), compete in tournaments and climb the leaderboards. Players can upgrade their 'Hero Character' with special skills, powerful weapons, useful tactical gear, and even customized looks. Diverse features of the gameplay will allow players to call in supporting elements, rescue their team mates, and even to coordinate their unit's attacks through a real time message system."

According to <a href=http://arktosentertainment.com/index.html>Arktos Entertainment, the game's financial backer, Warmongers has some serious talent within its ranks. Veteran members of the development team have worked on titles like Call of Duty, Champions Online, and Star Trek Online.

Overall, War Inc. Battle Zone certainly sounds interesting, but the main question about the game is still, "how will it make money?" Will there be microtransactions? Will only certain options and play modes be available to players for free, while paid subscriptions will unlock the game's full content? Will advertisements play between sessions?

These are all possibilities, but requests for more information from Arktos were unanswered by the time this story went to print.

Update: A representative from Arktos followed up with me to explain how the game's business plan would work. Like so many other free MMOGs, War Inc. will take advantage of - you guessed it - microtransactions to earn funding.

"[The] game will be based on micro transactions, but we expect that most of the players will never spend a dime on a game," the rep said. "Unlike lots of games that just won't allow you to be competitive above certain level in ... without spending money, our game designed so avid hardcore players will be able to enjoy every feature that [the] game will offer for free. At same time we'll offer [a system] for casual players, who [are] just unable to spend long hours [playing] the game to catch up with their friends and clan members by 'compressing time' they need to unlock certain features of the game.

"Since [the] game itself is skills based shooter - it really doesn't give you any advantage on the battlefield if you spend lot of money. What it gives is more variety with weapons selection, faster ranks progression, certain 'convenience' features that overwise you'll have to spend much more time of gameplay to unlock them."

Now that some light has been shed on how the game's business plan works, it sounds like this could be a really unique free MMOG: one that is just as much fun to play for those of us who don't feel like constantly spending money to keep up with our friends. Of course, judgment will have to be reserved until War Inc. Battle Zone is actually released, but the game certainly sounds like it has a lot of potential for greatness.



New member
Nov 10, 2009
I Also like free. This seems similar to the way Gunz and many other games by that developer are handled. This of course having a much nicer look however.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
A free MMOFPS?

*Scratches beard evily*

I'm intrigued, especially by the customization. Where do I sign up?


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
My immediate suspician is that this is another attempt at "War Rock".

As that game was explained to me it was a multiplayer FPS, that wanted players to pay money for cash, which would then be used to buy weapons for use in the game. So basically the more you spent, the more powerful you were.

I will also say that from the way this game is described it seems like every other multiplayer FPS out there, except for some gimmick to get you to pay money over time to keep playing it.

See, to me an MMO is a game with a persistant world, and this game doesn't seem to have one. Rather it sounds like a matchmaking lobby connected to a number of maps, where you go to get connected to other players either individually or as part of a team. Or simply put... like most games of the genere.

I'd imagine the thing is that the game will not cost an initial outlay of $60 or so to buy, but as I said, will require you to pay for content of one sort or another. The hope being that you'll spend more than $60 by the time you get bored to remain competitive and keep playing.

Honestly, it seems to me that an increasing number of companies are trying to present "we have servers for this game" as "it's an MMOG". I've seen similar logic elsewhere. Given the amount of time game servers have been around, to me the definition of an MMOG involves having a persistant world you play in, rather than a portal to a number of instances or minigames. Though admittedly the distinction can be blurred by arguement, and pointing to things like "Red Dead Redemption" and the way it's multiplayer works (pretty amazing), or even "Guild Wars".


New member
Mar 18, 2009
PayJ567 said:
I'm interested but very suspicious... Nothing is free...
Like a saying goes: "There's always free cheese in a mousetrap." Wish I came up with that one myself. But it still applies to things like this I think.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
It had me at free! Finally someone breaking the mould, with apparant quality too!


New member
Dec 20, 2008
If they made the advertisements subtle and blend into the background, I'd not have a problem with seeing them on tattered billboards, vending machines, street signs, building logos, etc.

To me that would be a good way to make money, and you could change them around if the advertiser stopped paying.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Let's just hope they don't go Battlefield Heroes on our collective arse and start forcing us to pay or be nerfed.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
While I wholeheartedly support the indie scene, I tend to take the announcement that this will be an AAA game with a grain of salt, especially since this is an MMO, seeing as how Darkfail Online turned out.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Skratt said:
If they made the advertisements subtle and blend into the background...tattered billboards, vending machines, street signs, building logos, etc.
IMO, That would actually raise the immersion because you're supposed to be fighting in war torn cities.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Sounds like it could be something to watch for in the future. I just hope they don't tease with a demo-like experience and then make everyone pay for the full game. They can do microtransactions and show ads to avoid that as far as I'm concerned.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
From the screenshot it looks decent. I'll have my own look at this one, already have enough free MMOFPSs anyway


New member
May 12, 2010
We had AVA, Gunz, and a few others like these, all Jack of all Trades, yet Master of None.

AVA is the only game you can get by with insane amount of Cash Shop items required...wonder how this game will hold up.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
So... am I totally high, or is this game not at all released yet? Heh, website isn't too well thought-out.


Mortician of Love
May 25, 2010
No, sorry, the game isn't out yet. All we know is it's coming out this year