E3 2010: Wii's Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 Hands-On

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
E3 2010: Wii's Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 Hands-On

Solving puzzles as Harry and the gang fits perfectly with the Lego gameplay.

Before the show floor closed last night, I got a chance to play Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 [http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?product_id=75043] at the Warner Brothers booth. The Wii remote and Nunchuk controls Harry as he runs around Hogwarts with Hermione and Ron in tow. The level I played took place in a classroom, with the teachers looking on as I was tasked with solving simple puzzles to prove that I could use a spell effectively. The spell was Wizardarium levitarium or some other Latin mumbo jumbo that you'd expect from J. K. Rowling's series. (Ed. Note: "Wingardium leviosa," perhaps? Wow, I didn't even have to look that up. I'm sad now. -John)

Holding the B trigger button activated the spell, and the Wii remote controlled a green circle cursor. When pointed at the correct object, it lifted it into the air. Perhaps because it was early on in the game, a purple halo surrounded objects that could be lifted, clueing you in as to where to point the cursor. The puzzles involved lifting or moving objects in a particular order in true Rube Goldberg fashion - you moved a mechanical hand to hold a weight, which lowered a chandelier where a fellow student had been trapped, holding on for dear life.

My favorite puzzle was a little difficult to solve, not because of the complexity but because of the Wii controls. You had to assemble a little Lego man by lifting the torso onto the legs, and then the head followed by the spear. The margin for error was extremely low, and only through very careful movements with the wii remote was I able to carefully set the torso on the legs. But, when assembled, the statue came to life and threw his spear under the counter weight, stopping its downward movement and allowing another student to go free. Once I'd completed all of the puzzles, I unlocked the lifting spell (whatever it's called) for use outside of the classroom. It appears that unlocking multiple spells is how you progress throughout the whole game.

Overall, I think that the Lego game style of humor coupled with the puzzle-solving is a great formula for the Harry Potter license. I'm officially excited for when the game comes out June 29th in North America.

Keep track of all our E3 2010 coverage here [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/conferences/e32010].



New member
Apr 7, 2010
This sounds exactly like the demo from XBLA, except I got to play the Forbidden Forest too. Also if this is like the previous lego games then the halos aren't only at the beginning, but be aware they aare made for v young players


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Me and my friend had such a laugh playing through Lego Indiana Jones on the wii and we were looking to buy this, probably wait till it reduces in price though ... Which will be a while no doubt.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
I always thought HP would lend itself quite nicely to the nature of games that is Lego. And looks like it is! Which is cool


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2009
Me and my brother play through the LEGO games together, so I am looking forward to this one


Senior Member
Aug 11, 2009
Not G. Ivingname said:
I seam to recall some kind of lego Harry Potter game LONG before the whole "Lego ___" really took off.
That was the Lego Creator series for PC if i remember right (i played it once at a friends house) There were other ones like a Lego train set (which tied in well to Platform 9¾)


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I have almost all the lego games, I'll get this one too, but when the price drops. I'm sure it's excellent, but not that excellent. Lego Star Wars Clone Wars I'll get on release, Harry will wait.

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
Pallindromemordnillap said:
I'm officially excited for when the game comes out June 29th in North America.
Any idea of its British release date?
Amazon.co.uk states that it will be released on the 25th June for us UK residents. Gasp, is that a game we get BEFORE America?! /sarcasm

I love all the lego games, for some reson the "lego humour" (how that term even makes sense, I don't know...) seems to fit a lot of things really well. I'd say that lego games are the best movie-game adaptations out there. I mean they even got away with making 2 Indiana Jones games, covering the original 3 films in both and yet they found something new each time. Travellers Tales, you win my vote!


New member
Jun 17, 2010
"Wizardarium levitarium"

Lol. Anyway yeah I'm extremely excited about this game. I love Lego Indiana Jones and I've always thought about a lego HP game. Now all they need is Lego Pirates of the Carribean and Lord of the Rings haha.
I watched an interview with the developers and I think I heard something about online co-op, which would be fantastic.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Given how solid most of the lego games have been to date, this might actually be a pretty good game!