Dragon's Lair Arcade Classics Coming to the Wii


Mortician of Love
May 25, 2010
Dragon's Lair Arcade Classics Coming to the Wii

Move over Mario, Dirk the Daring and Ace are rescuing princesses and saving the universe on the Wii this Fall.

If you were a gamer in the 1980s, odds are that you spent at least some of your time in the arcade trying to help Dirk the Daring rescue Princess Daphne from Mordroc's clutches. The Dragon's Lair games and Space Ace (which pitted Ace against Commander Borf) were challenging, funny, and featured some absolutely beautiful artwork from animation legend Don Bluth. This Fall, the games are going to be released for the Wii as the <a href=http://dragonslairtrilogy.com>Dragon's Lair Trilogy.

The title will contain Dragon's Lair, Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp, and Space Ace all on one disc. Not only will the original arcade gameplay modes (with remastered animation) be included, but the game will actually come with move guides for beginners, and a "Watch Mode" that will allow you watch all of the animation without actually playing the game (and swearing when you die for the umpteenth time).

One thing that will certainly be interesting to see is how well these games play with the Wii's motion controls. Since Bluth's arcade games were, essentially, massive quicktime events that required you to react extremely quickly, it seems like the Wii might be a decent platform for the trilogy's incarnation. If nothing else, you'll be able to play through the games without spending a small fortune in quarters to keep on continuing.

While the Dragon's Lair games were amazing productions when they dominated arcades in the 1980s, Dirk the Daring is an IP that has been consistently mined (some might say "whored out") <a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon's_lair#Platform_ports>on almost a yearly basis since then. For the most part, these ports have been unimpressive at best and <a href=http://www.metacritic.com/search/process?sort=relevance&termtype=all&ts=dragon's+lair&ty=0&button=search>horrible at worst. If Destineer can do a good job porting these games to the Wii, I'll have no problem forking $30 over to relive the original arcade experience.


The Austin

New member
Jul 20, 2009
That's kinda neat. I've been looking to get Dragons Lair on the SNES for some time now, but perhaps I should dust off my Wii and buy it their instead.

..... Nah.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
The only problem I see is if they don't put in the opition to use buttons and the game registers the commands from the wiimote a second after you do them.


New member
Apr 12, 2009
Digital Leisure is handling the ports, Destineer is just publishing them.

Also, Wii version's 'graphics' are pretty nice, remastered cuts of the classic footage.

Or so I have heard


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Wow o.o What is with alll the remakes as of late...running dry on ideas?


New member
Mar 18, 2010
The horrific game mechanics of Dragon Lair combined with the Wiimote? I assume they've already ordered these for the Rec room at Gauntanamo.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Jaredin said:
Wow o.o What is with alll the remakes as of late...running dry on ideas?
Only for about 5 years or so.

If they had Cliff Hanger on it too I would definitely be in. It was the same kind of game but with a Lupin cartoon.

These games represent the last time I tolerated quick time events. Back then that was the only way to make a game look like a cartoon. Also the controls consisted of one stick and one button.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
I figure these will come out at 19.99, which is a good impulse buy price for a game. Not to mention how many hipsters will want it because it's from a time they don't remember and a war I can't forget. Sorry, 80's games always make me think of Poison for some reason.


Can you feel around inside?
Dec 22, 2008
wow... this is one bit of nostalgia that might be biting me in the ass - on one hand, there is a very good reason these types of games stopped being made (That is, when it gets right down to it, the gameplay really wasn't all that great). However, I have a real soft spot for these, especially Space Ace, and not only that, the graphics and such were just SO COOL... I loved the goofy deaths and the very cartoony graphics that displayed nary a skip as it jumps right into whatever action was next... of course, maybe I also remember it a bit idealistically as well... but no matter.

Then again, for 20 bucks, all I'd really need is the watch mode. It's the price of a DVD, and it's got a game attached as a bonus!

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Ahh, nostalgia. Tasty!

Also, there are videos of all three games up on YouTube if anyone ever wanted to see them without the experience of throwing a Wiimote at the TV because of that friggin' Lizard King.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
No not on the Wii. These games require precision. Unless they plan on a classic controller set up forget about it.