Politician Attacks Opponent With Pac-Man Mod

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Politician Attacks Opponent With Pac-Man Mod

Mudslinging has taken a new turn with a congressional candidate now defaming his opponent using a Pac-Man clone.

When a political race is underway, the attack advertisements used to sway public opinion can get pretty rough. In the case of the rivalry between Russ Carnahan (D) and Ed Martin (R), both vying for Missouri's 3rd District, it's never been so fun.

Carnahan has put together a Pac-Man clone called Hackman to show his constituents why they shouldn't vote for his opponent. As Ed "The Hackman" Martin, players have to work through their own "maze of cover-ups and government waste" while avoiding the long-arm of the law.

It works just like Pac-Man, but each aspect of the original game now represents something else. Pac-Man is now Martin's face. The pellets each represent wasted tax dollars, with a total at the top of the screen. Symbols for deleted emails, costly lawsuits, and shady finances now represent power pellets, which once eaten can keep the Hammers of Justice (the ghosts) off of Hackman for a short while.

The game revolves around a particular situation where Martin is said to have covered-up shady dealings by deleting emails, firing lawyers, and hiding his finances. To me though, it shows how much fun working in government really is. It turns out, I'm awesome at wasting the tax dollars of the American public!

Now I can't really blame politicians for doing it so often. This is something I really hope we see more of as videogame enthusiasts take over political office. Play the game here [http://edhackmanmartin.com/].

Source: GamePolitics [http://edhackmanmartin.com/]



Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Oh, this is brilliant :D. If I was a US citizen and had the chance, I would seriously vote for the guy on this alone...


New member
May 21, 2010
Yeah, I guess I can see this as kinda funny. It would be fun to play too.

It's interesting to see politiciens do this, but I wanna see how this man would hold in office now


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Straying Bullet said:
Stop insulting our great games with your inferior political bullshit that nobody cares about!
I don't vote, but if I did, I wouldn't vote for a mudslinger. Still politicians all dabble in it occasionaly, which is why I don't vote.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
This surprises me, wasn't there some flak over people messing with Pac-Man not too long ago, probably due to a desire by Namco to re-launch it as a TV series or whatever?

Otherwise I vaguely remember that Jesse Ventura did some stuff with video games back when he was running, thouh none of them were attack ads to my knowlege.