Hideo Kojima Begins Work on Next Big Game

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Hideo Kojima Begins Work on Next Big Game

The creator of Metal Gear has begun working on the next game that will engrave his name on the cover.

Hideo Kojima is a big name in the videogame industry with good reason. Kojima's Metal Gear Solid series is one of the most popular videogame franchises of all time, his other titles include cult-classics Castlevania: Lords of Shadow [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/104007-Kojima-Wanted-to-Use-Snatcher-Disk-for-Real-Life-Noir]. Kojima's next "Hideo Kojima game" has now begun planning, which means another gem will be headed our way ... eventually.

Not that everything Kojima touches is gold, but the games that bear his name tend to be worth playing. He Metal Gear Solid: Rising [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/103770-Hideo-Kojimas-Name-Means-Something-Important] is not. A Kojima tweet has emphasized that his next game will be another mostly dreamt up by him.

Kojima tweeted: "Had our first meeting for the next 'A Hideo Kojima Game' with the core team members today. Some members are also participating on Rising so 10 people total this time. We will have a meeting every morning to discuss planning, testing, research, and scouting. An open environment to talk about important issues and share our dreams and concept for the project."

It's tough to discern what the game will be because there just aren't any details here. The speculation should probably start at a new Metal Gear title, move on to a new Snatcher, throw some Metal Gear Solid 4 [http://www.amazon.com/Zone-Enders-Playstation-2/dp/B000059Z8I/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1287069262&sr=1-1], the fact that he didn't do it means he could bring him back for a triumphant return, hopefully without the arthritis and back pain this time.

Source: Andriasang [http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2010/10/14/next_hideo_kojima_game_meeting/]



Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
im all for him letting go of Snake for good <.<

Very curious what this crazy man will think of next! XD

he's kinda like the Willy Wonka of Videogames lolz


New member
Sep 20, 2007
I think it's safe to expect less-than-poignant dialog (or monologue even) and female characters written as if by a boy who just hit puberty. I also expect genuinely clever game mechanics that make use of even simple systems to enhance the experience (like having to quickly scroll your item menu up and down to shake bugs off your items).


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Kojima needs to get back to Boktai. It's the only wortwhile thin he's made in the last ten years.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
A Metal Gear prequel would be cool: I'm thinking "Metal Gear Semen", where Sperm Snake has to infiltrate the Big C complex and gain entry to the mysterious chamber simply known as 'The Egg'.

Along the way he can fight crazy bosses a la Metal Gear style and sneak past other sperms etc etc...

*sigh* sorry, I grew tired trying to think up witty things.

All crappy jokes, aside, I am excited to hear about a new "A Hideo Kojima Game" being in the making... He's a crazy man that makes crazy games that are crazily awesome. CRAZY.

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
If its an MGS game, I hope its about Naked Snake/Big Boss as opposed to Solid Snake. Solid Snake's story is pretty much wrapped up, but there is a lot left open for Naked Snake/Big Boss.

While another MGS would be fricken awesome, I would rather Kojima put his brilliance into something else. ZOE 3 perhaps, or just something totally new (Although the later isnt very likely).


New member
Jan 21, 2009
ForgottenPr0digy said:
Kojim-san doesn't have to make another MGS game. Please make another Zone of Enders game

That series needs to be on a next gen console

The Journey

New member
Jul 12, 2010
Honestly I greatly dislike the trend of 'hollywood'-ising the industry in yet another way. Focusing on random producers and directors of entire teams of people who are at best, a creative force within the project or at worst merely another cog in the machine.

Like the way you focus on big name actors, directors and producers instead of say, the guy who actually wrote the scrip for the movie. Because, y'know, without the script, these other guys wouldn't have anything to do. I'm not saying they don't deserve to be lauded for their skills or talents, but that it needs to be recognized that there is more behind these things than one man. Most of the time anyway.

While I do think he's a wacky guy and I do enjoy his games, as I do a couple of other 'names' in the industry like Peter and his fabulously hyperbolic Fable series, it often gives rise to those little people with big egos and the position to use them. Like Cliffy B. Seriously.

Also you start putting names on the boxes and it starts getting real old, real quick. Look at all the 'Tom Clancy' titles that are just ridiculous and probably had about as much input from the man as the nearest weather balloon got from the underpants gnomes.

I just find it a bit much.


New member
May 16, 2010
well in the mgs world with clones and cyborgs and other fanciful crazy stuff, solid snake could be cloned again and end up with a very snake looking and acting character but different if he did want to keep doing mg games, but i think solid is over and done with, after all old snake saved the world and brought down the military industrial complex. mgs4 was the end of the solid line and that whole era.

raiden was supposed to pick up the mantle for the time being anyway, if the series continues.

i think he is looking to move on metal gear really does not translate well to open world, so who knows maybe he is doing something entirely different.

far as his ego goes if his ego is not as big as a planet now after inventing a whole new game type that is one of the biggest selling franchises in gaming history i doubt this guy is going to let his ego get in the way and phone in anything. he seems to put his heart and soul into any game that bears his name.

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Tips_of_Fingers said:
A Metal Gear prequel would be cool: I'm thinking "Metal Gear Semen", where Sperm Snake has to infiltrate the Big C complex and gain entry to the mysterious chamber simply known as 'The Egg'.
That's kind of a great idea... and not far off from something Kojima would do, only revealing the truth of what you are at the end of the game.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
I can't wait to see what kind of game Kojima -sama will come up with next. He is someone that I truly admire.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Tom Goldman said:
That's kind of a great idea... and not far off from something Kojima would do, only revealing the truth of what you are at the end of the game.
"Colonel what are you saying?"
"I'm saying you were fired out of a giant penis at 40 miles an hour into a huge vagina."
"Vagina Gear?"

or alternatively

upon meeting Liquid Sperm
"who the hell are you!?"
"I will be your brother in 9 months!"


New member
Oct 14, 2007
They could always pull the same thing with Vamp and infest Snake with nanomachines that a) prevent him from again and b) that prevent him from not starring in another MGS game.


Professional Procrastinator
Nov 13, 2009
Tips_of_Fingers said:
upon meeting Liquid Sperm
"who the hell are you!?"
"I will be your brother in 9 months!"
So we meet at last... BRRRRROOOOTHERRRRRR[sub]inninemonths[/sub]!

OT: Hm, not sure what to say. I feel worried, excited, and disgusted all at the same time. Oh well, I hope as great as some of his other games.