Retro Fable Seeks to Add What Molyneux Missed

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Retro Fable Seeks to Add What Molyneux Missed

A fan's "demake" of Fable promises to incorporate features once promised, but never implemented.

Peter Molyneux is known for getting overly excited about upcoming projects, namely Fable [], and promising certain features that are never delivered in the final product. RoflGames is currently developing a tribute to Fable, in retro 2D no less, that hopes to give players some of what they feel they've been missing.

RoflGames' Jo announced the demake (a remake that uses a retro style) this month and calls it Fableous. Jo says: "What I've seen the [Fable] games do, compared to what has been promised (in the past), has always left a wealthy amount of players dissapointed." He hopes to add features like "real-time vegetation" and "weapon pickups" that were once forgotten, and add them to the gameplay mechanics seen in Fable like crumb trails, body morphing, and moral choices.

The idea is to let players of Fableous do what they want but still face the consequences. Despite Fableous's old-school style, Jo feels it's the concept behind a game that matters, not the graphics.

Jo recently showed off this video of Fableous's fishing mechanic, which aims to be deeper than Fable's. Fishermen control their rod and reel strength in Fableous, and once they catch a fish it can be sold off in a player's very own merchant stall. Plus, fishing in Fableous just looks charming as hell.

Updates on the project can be followed here [] to see what RoflGames eventually puts together. I'm just wondering what happens if Jo promises to incorporate a bunch of features once promised but undelivered by Molyneux, but then doesn't deliver them himself. Fable fans may not be able to bear it.

Source: RoflGames []

Jul 22, 2009
Peter Molyneux does get rather over excited... he's like a yappy little puppy who has visited the park for the first time.

Still he tries hard and he helps make some amazing games... I am so looking forward to Fable 3.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Oh God that music, oh Godddd...Aww, to be young again.

Damnit, I love me some Fable, and its music.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
As much as I've chided Peter Molyneux for letting me down with his failed promises, I did actually enjoy the games.

Best of the 3

Oct 9, 2010
I really want to play Fable the Lost chapters again now. It was let down in a few areas but I really loved that game. And I still don't think I did entirely eeverything even though there wasn't much to do except be really good or really bad.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Cool! And maybe when he's done with that, he can go fix the pile of broken promises SEGA calls Sonic 4.