Microsoft Beta-Testing Xbox Live Poker Game Show

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Microsoft Beta-Testing Xbox Live Poker Game Show

Microsoft is testing a live game show called Full House Poker in the vein of 1 vs. 100 on Xbox Live.

A "confidential" email went out to beta-testers for the new game which promises live competition held on a regular basis. Like 1 vs. 100, Full House Poker players will be able to join regularly scheduled games of poker and compete against other gamers worldwide to get the final table. No gambling of real money will be allowed, as I'm sure that would be illegal, but players can earn experience points and chips over time. The game is under development by Microsoft Game Studios and it looks like they're gearing up for a beta test, but there is no word if or when it will reach the public.

According to the email, Full House Poker will try to incorporate as much of the nuances of real poker as possible, including "unique tells and accessories for your avatar." It's unclear whether that means the game will use your Xbox Live Avatar but it certainly seems likely. Also, I don't know if the writer of the email realizes that you don't necessarily tell your opponent that you are bluffing. Having a "unique tell" is a disadvantage, people. Unless you're bluffing that you're bluffing, which is something completely different.

The email doesn't mention Kinect, but this seems like a perfect application to be able to actually see who you're playing against. I hope Microsoft really taps into this aspect of the camera technology debuting today for something like this. It just seems like a better use for Kinect than jumping a raft over waterfalls or petting animals.

Source: Kotaku []


Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Sounds cool.

I had a lot of fun with 1 Vs 100 and was very sad to see it canceled.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Hell yeah! Give me some Texas Hold 'Em and a table of suckers to drain!


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
WTF is it with Poker these days. Dead Rising 2 made me play poker. Red Dead Redemption has some obnoxious trophies/achievements for playing poker online. Telltale wants me to play poker with Max, Heavy, lameass Penny Arcade guy, and the red thing with the voice more obnoxious than Deathspank. And now Microsoft is going to want me to play poker too.

WTF. I say enough poker already. Give us back 1 VS 100, that was actually pretty fun and canceling it after only one real season sucks.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
Sounds cool.

I had a lot of fun with 1 Vs 100 and was very sad to see it canceled.
TerribleAssassin said:
Hmm, sounds like some good stuff.

The fun social nights you had with 1 vs 100 will return!
Eldritch Warlord said:
Good for poker fans I guess.

I however, am a trivia fan. Bring back 1v100 Microsoft!
I, too, long for the days of 1 vs 100. I actually was one of the hundred once. Won some stupid arcade game, Poker Smash. Think Tetris with poker hands.

Think of the fun we could be having watching people get the easiest questions ever wrong. Oh that was such fun. BRING IT BACK.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
I like the idea of playing Poker, but not for real money or any gain at all. Then again you don't lose anything. Poker is really popular I mean I see ads for Poker websites online and on TV all the time. What the hell?

Also since it's called "Full House" poker can we expect to see the Olsen Twins?

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
bojac6 said:
I, too, long for the days of 1 vs 100. I actually was one of the hundred once. Won some stupid arcade game, Poker Smash. Think Tetris with poker hands.
Lucky. Best I did was get the top score in one of the Extended Play sessions (Halo Trivia), and even that made me feel amazing.

I understand that the game wasn't a great money maker, but tons of people played it and really loved it. I'm sure it could be profitable if say they made Extended Play sessions free-to-play and had something like a 40-80 Microsoft Point buy-in to play 1 vs 100 Live for a season. I'd pay.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
Sounds cool.

I had a lot of fun with 1 Vs 100 and was very sad to see it canceled.
Me too, I died a little on the inside when 1v100 wasn't coming back. :(

I hope this comes out soon for the general public. I love poker and getting a chance to kick my friends' asses would be wonderful


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
I think this would be awesome :D being a big poker fan :D

If this goes through, I hope they stick with it. I would play it all the time and it would be good fun!


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Eldritch Warlord said:
bojac6 said:
I, too, long for the days of 1 vs 100. I actually was one of the hundred once. Won some stupid arcade game, Poker Smash. Think Tetris with poker hands.
Lucky. Best I did was get the top score in one of the Extended Play sessions (Halo Trivia), and even that made me feel amazing.

I understand that the game wasn't a great money maker, but tons of people played it and really loved it. I'm sure it could be profitable if say they made Extended Play sessions free-to-play and had something like a 40-80 Microsoft Point buy-in to play 1 vs 100 Live for a season. I'd pay.
I'd pay 400 MS points for a season pass. $5 to play for a few hours every week? Hell yeah.

And yeah, I was pretty lucky. I was at a friend's house playing with two people that played the game religiously. I played a session a week or so, not very often. They were quite upset, because they never got picked. I couldn't really believe it, and kept having to check with them. "Wait, I actually could win something here?" It was surprisingly exciting for a video game of its type. I ended up winning the game and like 600 MS points. Not a bad take for knowing things like "Which of the following was a member of the Rolling Stones: Elvis, Keith Richards, or A Big Blue Monkey"

I now understand the freak outs game show contestants have when they walk down on The Price Is Right or whatever other show.

Ben Gepfrey

New member
Aug 6, 2010
The first season I played every live game and lots of extended play, same with season 2 except
I red ringed the second week of the final season. I loved that game. :(

I hate poker.