Spider-Man Musical Probably Won't Run For Years and Years

Elizabeth Grunewald

The Pope of Chilitown
Oct 4, 2010
Spider-Man Musical Probably Won't Run For Years and Years

The manager of the theater housing the Spider-Man musical is already looking to replace its troubled, expensive tenant.

The $65 million dollar musical Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark will need to run for a few years to even think about turning a profit. The overwhelmingly dubious press the show's been receiving doesn't bode well for that plan, but there's something more immediate threatening the musical's potential longevity. The show is set to open at the Foxwoods Theatre in New York on January 11, but the theater's general manager is already looking for another production to replace the comic book behemoth.

Erich Jungwirth is the new general manager of the Foxwoods, and he's been busy lately making calls to producers. ArtsBeat reports "each of the producers said in separate interviews, Mr. Jungwirth asked if they had productions in the works that might be a future fit for the Foxwoods Theater and asked them to keep the 1,932-seat theater in mind as they developed or optioned productions for Broadway." Apparently, a new GM calling up producers is a common courtesy, but ArtsBeat continues "each [producer] expressed surprise that Mr. Jungwirth was raising the possibility of a future empty theater while Spider-Man was struggling with a two-week delay in preview performances."

ArtsBeat quotes an emailed statement from Live Nation Entertainment on Jungwirth's behalf which covers his tracks a little, saying "we are incredibly positive about the prospects and are optimistic that the show is going to have a fantastic run at the Foxwoods Theater for many years to come. We are thrilled about the opening of this historical show in our theater and are very proud of our staff in their tireless efforts to assist making this extraordinary event happen."

In case you're wondering, "this extraordinary event" is going to rack up approximately $1 million per week in running costs.

Source: Hollywood Reporter [http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/29/could-spider-man-be-a-short-timer-at-the-foxwoods-theater/]



New member
May 21, 2008
The best theater show ive seen was Blood Brothers and i doubt that had such high costs, so if the performers arnt up to scatch all the extra money is going to be a pointless waste of times


New member
Jul 28, 2009
Let's crunch the numbers, shall we?
If the show fills all 1932 seats (which is pretty unreasonable), and the show runs 7 nights a week (which is even more unreasonable), then they will need to charge $74 per ticket just to cover the weekly cost. that seems pretty high, especially for your average spiderman fan.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
cp2u said:
Let's crunch the numbers, shall we?
If the show fills all 1932 seats (which is pretty unreasonable), and the show runs 7 nights a week (which is even more unreasonable), then they will need to charge $74 per ticket just to cover the weekly cost. that seems pretty high, especially for your average spiderman fan.
Good math, it's actually $75 for the cheapest tickets in nosebleed, and $150 for the main seating. By the way, the reason they have so much seats is actually because they took down the orchestra pit to make more space. This production is well under way to being a flop even while its overly-extravagant and dictator-like director pleads otherwise

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
I think at this point, everyone probably already knows this, but it needs to be said at least once more; This is going to be an unmitigated disaster. We're talking Waterworld-level catastrophic meltdown.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Space Spoons said:
I think at this point, everyone probably already knows this, but it needs to be said at least once more; This is going to be an unmitigated disaster. We're talking Waterworld-level catastrophic meltdown.
I second this.

I do hope the people working on this have damn good agents, they're going to need it after this disaster.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
io9 reviewed the musical. it was pretty bad.
by the way you think disney looks at this and says "why the hell did we think this was going to work?"

Mr. Socky

New member
Apr 22, 2009
I love Spider-Man, but I still can't see how anyone would want to watch a Spider-Man musical. I imagine most people feel the same... which also doesn't help its chances.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Didn't the set completely fail during one performance and leave Spiderman dangling from an invisible wire for like 10 minutes?


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Man, and here I was hoping I'd be able to go and see it. Another in a long line of dashed dreams. I suppose after many years of therapy I may be able to recover, but there may be a period of about ten minutes there where I'll be simply inconsolable.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
There's a song where a group of 8-legged chorus girls sing about shoes.

In the second preview the guy playing Spider Man's voice cracked in the middle of one of his songs.

The story is incredibly confusing and doesn't make any goddamn sense.

The actors can't sing, act, or dance

Stagehands were constantly in full view of the audience, fixing shit on stage

A huge group of people (including one of my friends) left during the 35 minute intermission, And after the show, all you'd hear was how confused everyone was

This thing needs to die. We need to burn the theater and salt the earth so another one won't grow in its place


New member
Nov 25, 2008
I'm just really really hoping this is a Springtime for Hitler gambit.

Please please please please pleaseasdaeada/