Walking Dead Producers Didn't Axe Writing Staff

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Walking Dead Producers Didn't Axe Writing Staff

Reports of The Walking Dead's writing staff having been axed like a zombie skull aren't true.

AMC's The Walking Dead is a fired [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/104980-AMCs-The-Walking-Dead-Is-a-Massive-Zombie-Hit] the show's writing staff. According to the The Walking Dead's other executive producers, these reports are absolutely not true.

Co-executive producer Gail Anne Hurd recently stated that reports of these firings were "completely inaccurate." She says that certain Walking Dead writers simply have other projects in the works that have priority to them, likely referring to prominent writer Charles Eglee.

Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman says that Eglee, who has previously worked on Dexter and The Shield, did leave The Walking Dead's writing staff because he was expecting to run the whole shebang after the first season. He was brought on as Frank Darabont's second-in-command and was set to takeover for season two, but Darabont decided to resume work on the show so Eglee moved on to other projects he could lead. Darabont didn't fire anybody, according to Kirkman, and he doesn't want anybody to get the wrong idea.

Kirkman did admit that writing duties for The Walking Dead's second 13-episode season are still being worked out. "It's a little premature to be nailing down," he revealed. "I don't know if it's going to be a freelance situation or if we're going to have writers in a writers' room. That's something that's being worked on now."

He also pointed out that The Walking Dead's staff are pros and still going to make the best show possible, so nobody should worry about the quality of season two. Sadly, I hope you've DVR'ed the show's first six episodes or plan to buy the Blu-rays [http://www.amazon.com/Walking-Dead-Season-One-Blu-ray/dp/B0049P1ZZQ/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1291733156&sr=8-6] to get your fix, because it's rumored that the second season won't air until October 2011.

Source: Time [http://techland.time.com/2010/12/06/walking-dead-writers-not-fired-say-producers/]



New member
Jan 26, 2009
I have to wait a whole 'nother YEAR to find out what happens?!?!

That is the definition of bullshit.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
Shame, since compared to the comic the TV shows crap. A total excision of the cancerous hollywooditis and cliche that the staff have injected into the show so far would have been appreciated.

Go and read the comics their superior in every way.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
LondonBeer said:
Shame, since compared to the comic the TV shows crap. A total excision of the cancerous hollywooditis and cliche that the staff have injected into the show so far would have been appreciated.

Go and read the comics their superior in every way.
If you were an anime, your manga version would be better.



New member
Aug 9, 2009
I think they need to sit down and keep track of what's actually going on, since the whole Merle thing was brought up for an entire episode before disappearing like nothing had ever happened. Fair enough if you want to carry it over until next series, but there's a difference between that and acting like it never happened.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
LondonBeer said:
Shame, since compared to the comic the TV shows crap. A total excision of the cancerous hollywooditis and cliche that the staff have injected into the show so far would have been appreciated.

Go and read the comics their superior in every way.
I had to read all the way to the third post to get a 'Show sucks comic better!' post. What took you so long?

They're different beasts. Liked the comics up until the point I didn't like them anymore. Like the show so far. They are different, and I approve of this. I do not want to sit on my ass for an hour watching a live action re-hash of shit I have already read.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
I love this show and am excited to see where it goes from here. I cant wait until they get the Governor in the show. It's going to be sweet.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Yeah, I'm gonna have to say that if it gets the show closer to the excellent comics, then start firing those writers. It took 5 episodes just to get rid of the extraneous cast members that weren't in the comics.

While I can see what the writers are doing with the whole Merle thing(setting him up to be the Governor, most likely), they had waaaaaaay too many survivors in that group and it was nice to see them go. Seriously, what the hell was the point of the CDC episode.....it was just filler.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
The show is nice, but I liked it mostly for the cool zombies. The first 6 episodes didn´t manage to put in a real line so far.

I liked it, but 10 months of a break is a bit long after just 6 episodes. I don´t know if I still care in 10 months.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
I'm on Book 4 of the comics and I really enjoy them. They're very...different. The show and the comic though are completely different beings though at this point to me. Other than the characters and settings, I'm not really finding many more similarities. Its not necessarily a BAD thing by any means, since I enjoy both greatly, but it certainly...irks me sometimes. The best thing they ever did on the show though was Jim. They nailed everything about that character perfectly as far as I'm concerned.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
LondonBeer said:
Shame, since compared to the comic the TV shows crap. A total excision of the cancerous hollywooditis and cliche that the staff have injected into the show so far would have been appreciated.

Go and read the comics they're superior in every way.

Here! Here! I'm also glad those name-less who-cares characters are dead. The last episode blew too, and I was thinking the whole time "At least the next episode will have different writers..."


New member
Aug 1, 2010
loremazd said:
If you were an anime, your manga version would be better.

cobrausn said:
I had to read all the way to the third post to get a 'Show sucks comic better!' post. What took you so long?

They're different beasts. Liked the comics up until the point I didn't like them anymore. Like the show so far. They are different, and I approve of this. I do not want to sit on my ass for an hour watching a live action re-hash of shit I have already read.
If they made a live-action Cowboy Bebop, where Jet was a woman, Spike was a wimp & Faye was a fat lesbian priest youd weep your otaku heart out.

Minor changes, the old folks home was clever, are acceptable. Major shifts away from the legitimate storyline, Shane the rapist, Allen, CDC wtf (also complicates later storyline should they continue) is unacceptable. It will piss off your fanbase who expect the same product they initially attached to. It also means your taking a risk that will adversely affect the a product which is already successful.

If it aint broke dont fix it.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
LondonBeer said:
Minor changes, the old folks home was clever, are acceptable. Major shifts away from the legitimate storyline, Shane the rapist, Allen, CDC wtf (also complicates later storyline should they continue) is unacceptable. It will piss off your fanbase who expect the same product they initially attached to. It also means your taking a risk that will adversely affect the a product which is already successful.

If it aint broke dont fix it.
'Legitimate Storyline' is whatever they want it to be. Nothing about the original can't be accomplished at this point that I've seen. The whole CDC episode just reinforced how fucked they really were. And Shane had next to no characterization in the books besides 'Why didn't you stay dead I had it all!', so any characterization at all is a big deviation already.

Not buying it. Especially since the original writer is on board and said he wanted this to be it's own thing.


New member
May 7, 2010
Walking Dead is available through iTunes as well. Somewhat silly for the article to skip mention of that.


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Wow for an article disproving allegations of fired writers sure is a lot of hate with the whole "comic vs television show." Why does everything have to be so damn competitive. I've been reading the comic and watching the show. I like them both, don't make me decided between them.

I hope the production won't be negatively effected by the shows popularity (were they not expecting it to do well?).