Splatterhouse in Australia?

Yahtzee Croshaw

New member
Aug 8, 2007
Splatterhouse in Australia?

Yahtzee offers some suggestions on how to maximize blood and gore.

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Feb 13, 2008
Yahtzee Croshaw said:
Yahtzee offers some suggestions on how to maximize blood and gore.
I know you don't like MMOs, but Requiem: Memento Mori [http://www.playrequiem.com/] already does a lot of what you're talking about. Limbs get splattered everywhere, including yours.


Reachin' out...
Mar 7, 2010
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Yahtzee Croshaw said:
Yahtzee offers some suggestions on how to maximize blood and gore.
I know you don't like MMOs, but Requiem: Memento Mori [http://www.playrequiem.com/] already does a lot of what you're talking about. Limbs get splattered everywhere, including yours.
Likewise, I was thinking of a less stylised (and less bloody difficult) Toribash [http://www.toribash.com/] when I read that list.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
How about being able to choose and customize your weapons and (own) character design? Like in AC:B multiplayer? That´d be awesome.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
BloodRayne 2 meets almost all the requirements (the grappling hook only worked on living enemies and some scenery, otherwise pretty much a perfect score).


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Those game elements sound like fun. Add them together with some kind of story that gives reason to it (Superhuman is teleported to random planet with hostile enemies, crazy ex-army guy is dropped in a drugged up city also going crazy, etc). Something simple, but fun. Things don't need to be overly complex to be enjoyable. And not foolish like Dragon Age's blood effects. Just because I killed one guy does not mean I just bathed in some kind of liquid mixture of tomato juice and dirt.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Don't design another game, especially with Space Adventure Game: The Game still on hiatus. Oh who am I kidding? He doesn't read these.


New member
Apr 26, 2010
Splatterhouse seems to be the same kind of violence as dead rising i.e child friendly cartoon violence.

No one seems to cater for the ultra violent fans from the late 90's.

Remember in the original Solider of Fortune when you gutted your first enemy and they bellowed their lungs out and thrased about on the dirty concrete floor and blood spurted black up the walls, their screams would echo down the maps until finally with one last shout they would gurgle out their death rattle and choke on their own blood. You could nearly feel the warm blood run over your hands and smell the sticky rusty stench of your character quickly trying to rub the blood off on his jeans in time to gut the next civilian...I mean bad guy *shifty look*

Where are these games now? Even GTA has been reduced to basically Crazy Taxi with side missions that involve going out to dinner or 'comedy' shows.

Unless Manhunt 3 is released for kinnect and I am then convinced that not all modern game developers out there are ex-children's TV presenters then I am going to sit in my corner and sulk (more).


New member
Dec 17, 2009
You also need to allow for more creative ways to kill. Like setting traps or having hazards in each level, especially traps that allow massive chain reactions that inevitably lead to large amounts of murder. I've always enjoyed leaving large amounts of grenades on the ground in Halo and detonating the entire pile in one go in order to launch the warthog I parked on top of it as high as I can.

Also, there can be no weapon degradation, searching for ammo or other such gimmicks. Nothing is worse than having to run back to get a new weapon or more ammo when you could be committing more murders.


New member
May 21, 2010
hawk533 said:
You also need to allow for more creative ways to kill. Like setting traps or having hazards in each level, especially traps that allow massive chain reactions that inevitably lead to large amounts of murder. I've always enjoyed leaving large amounts of grenades on the ground in Halo and detonating the entire pile in one go in order to launch the warthog I parked on top of it as high as I can.

Also, there can be no weapon degradation, searching for ammo or other such gimmicks. Nothing is worse than having to run back to get a new weapon or more ammo when you could be committing more murders.
Maybe not NO weapon degradation, but SLOW weapon degradation. If I'm holding a newly sharpened claymore, you can lop off three heads in a row without slowing down. That weapon isn't getting too dull anytime soon. But sure, let's say ou bash on people for an hour or two and the edge wears down, you might not have the sharpest object in the world, but it's still a damned nice blunt force weapon of "Go fuck yourself" I've never understood. Sure, a sword isn't MEANT to be a club, but you bash in a few skulls with that thing and it's still a weapon


New member
Dec 5, 2008
hawk533 said:
I'd second the comment about chain-reactions. Ever since the days of setting off barrels in Doom, there's been something immensely satisfying about starting an avalanche that ends up killing enemies you can't even see. Lightning weapons that can arc off one creature to another or sticky mines that can be attatched to enemies to send them off amidst their comrades might be good, too.

There was a segment in the original Blood where the hero is given full health, full armor, and the "guns akimbo" power-up, and then enters a dining car full of enemies. That was five kinds of awesome, running in full bore, blasting flares right and left, shotgunning a cultist as you leaped across the bar to take cover behind it... There's something to be said for wide-open spaces a'la Serious Sam and Painkiller, but there's also something to be said for giving the player a space that fills them with delight to engage. IDKFA in a china shop, so to speak.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
this should have the "save anywhere at anytime" feature. 15 minutes of mindless gorefestivities is fun. hours on end becomes routine.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
::puts on pedant hat::

It's not "Attorney Generals." They aren't the Generals of Attorney. They are the Attorneys General. Think in terms of, say, the three Billy Goats Gruff. They aren't Gruffs, they're Billy Goats who all bear the name "Gruff."

::Takes off pedant hat::

I think a problem with making the gore and violence more involved a la Fruit Ninja is that it's difficult to pull that off with the given means. A controller would make it hard enough, even if you basically just tied slashing movements to both analog sticks, but the third person perspective chosen for the vast majority of games in the action-splatterfest genre fails to make things super-conducive to a high degree of control. Which isn't to say you can't have magnificent control in action games, but the controls will almost always be within the context of canned animations, because you simply couldn't exercise the kind of control needed to pull that off. I hate to say it, but a better means of this might actually be a ::gulp:: motion control interface of some sort.

Anyway, these are still pretty neat design concepts. Maybe they'll make it into Splatterhouse II: Splatterhouser.


New member
Feb 23, 2010
- All gore physics should have exaggerated sound effects

Definitely read that as "Al Gore Physics."


New member
Nov 19, 2009
If you want to go with primal and visceral I would add a focus on "up close and personal" versus ranged. I'm not saying don't use guns just let the ranged attack be less powerful, less flashy, etc...

If you really want that crazed cave man howling with primal rage with his hands half buried in the freshly slaughtered corpse of his enemy feel, you've got to focus on raw physical violence. Beating and tearing enemies apart with your bare hands (or whatever happens to be in them) is going to evoke that rawness in a way hanging back slinging bullets, or even explosions is going to get. Nothing say ulta-violence like being bathed in a shower of gore you created with your own two hands up close and personal.

If that doesn't get the animal in you going I don't know what will.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Likewise, I was thinking of a less stylised (and less bloody difficult) Toribash [http://www.toribash.com/] when I read that list.[/quote]

Yes, Toribash was bloody brilliant.

Control over every muscle in the body? Excellent.

Lots of variety and mods too. There's a mod where you're at a restaurant, and pull a knife at your opponent, and so have an impromptu knife fight.

My favorite thing to do is rip off my own head, throw it at my enemy, knock him down, and win through disqualification.