ReCape: ?Kozmo?


Gaming Connoisseur
Sep 10, 2008
It was indeed better than the pilot, but still has a long way to go to be really good.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
I watched the pilot, and all that was running through my head was "where are the characters?" There's plenty of action, but the motivation is shallow, and personality seems to be explored solely through actions. In that sense, it feels like it was written by a twelve-year-old; it's impossible to care about the characters since they're so underdeveloped.

I guess it's good for people who are satisfied with flashy special effects and fight scenes, but I simply can't enjoy a show of this sort when I don't care about the characters enough to care what they're doing. Even super-gruff heroes like Batman get this right, through their PERSONALITY being affected by their backstory, rather than just their behavior.

P.S. Thanks


New member
Feb 11, 2010
All I have to say is, Thank God season 2 of Misfits just aired. I haven't seen writing this On The Nose in a while.


New member
Dec 24, 2009
I dont understand the reasoning behind this.

If the escapist doesnt like "The Cape", which I DO like, then why even do the recap? Just to poke fun?

Sounds a tad like trolling to me.

Peresonally I think once it gets going it'll be much better.


New member
May 19, 2009
I find it frustrating that Vince doesn't seem to have a clear set of morals or direction yet, but in a way that makes me hope the show starts to focus on that a bit more. Some internal conflict to help Vince decide what kind of vigilante he wants to be would make for a few good episodes. Also, am I the only one who wonders why Trip hasn't realized The Cape is his father? I mean, this guy read to him on a regular basis but it looks like Trip wouldn't even recognize his father on the phone.

Does anyone know how many episodes this show has set for a season? I'm starting to wonder if they are planning on season 1 to be primarily focused on Vince figuring out what kind of person he wants to be. That, and introducing his rogue's gallery. I can only imagine what the outcome of that "create a villain for The Cape" contest will be.


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
Elizabeth Grunewald said:
ReCape: ?Kozmo?

It was better than the pilot, at least.

Read Full Article
TV Commandment: Thou shalt not challengeth thine audience in any way... eth.

Corollaries to this commandment include:

1. You must tell your audience important things, and then tell them again, and then explicitly tell them that these things are important. Don't want them to miss it!

2. You must make any mentions of potential plot lines vague at best, in case you have to abandon them because the producers say your audience didn't get/like it.

3. This also means you'll have to seed the story with about a bajillion possible story threads. The Johnny Appleseed approach ensures at least one will take root, right?

4. Unambiguous villains. Unambiguous heroes. If there is any incidental ambiguity, gloss over it quickly (see #2).