You know what's funny about the console wars (and for the sake of simplicity, I'm going to include PCs into the term 'console wars')? It's that now it means what we use to entertain ourselves has entered into the realm of religion and politics of things we puff our chests up and go into psychotic rants over. Take Jaythulhu's shallow, boring, pointless tirade above me, for instance: four paragraphs decrying the evils of console games, and how PCs are superior (in fact, a wellspring) and made of goodness, complete with blinding double-standard statements like these:
Consoles are the source of all the problems that games and gaming faces in modern society, from the poor quality games we receive to the public perception of gamers as a pathetic, pimply group of scum living in basements.
To hell with that. I'll praise a developer when they actually come out with a game that is NOT yt another reiteration last year's dribbling-fanboy-orgasm, something that actually uses the potential and power of the pc to push gaming to greater heights, not rehashing the same old shit we've seen ejaculated over and over again to satisfy the abominably low levels of expectation from the drooling "console gamer" masses.
These statements ignore the reality that PCs are actually considered part of the "public perception of gamers," and that PC gamers have no leg to stand on as far as bitching about "another reiteration [of] last year's dribbling-fanboy-orgasm," considering that PC games for the last, what, 20 years, have been an endless recycling of either FPS' like
Quake, or
Duke Nukem, sim/strategy games like
Civilization or
The Sims, or of
World of Warcraft, either through endless sequels, clones, or expansion packs. Hell, the games that PC gamers are getting the most excited about this year are
Diablo III (a second sequel), and
Crysis 2 (a sequel to a derivative FPS whose only claim to fame was being so extra sparkly it crashed even 'advanced' PCs).
At least the people making psychotic rants about religion and politics are doing it over things that (somewhat) matter, like ethics, laws, and morality (most of the time, anyway). Gamers, with PC gamers like Jay being the biggest offenders, are only further dumbing-down culture by holding up their shiny, generic, pieces of shit and proclaiming them 'superior' to other shiny, generic, pieces of shit. Do these gamers actually care about games that are interesting, like
The Last Express,
World of Goo,
Eternal Darkness, or
Shenmue II?* No, they care about the
Gears of Killzone Forever: Modern Tournament 6s of the gaming world, and will endlessly bicker about them even though they're the exact same game. The only way the console war could be even more inane is if every single person who wanted to argue that their platform of choice is "the best" would type their point in all caps, at least then the rest of us who aren't mouth-breathing dolts who get our sense of self-worth from sitting bug-eyed in front of something while endlessly pushing buttons could then know right away that these people have nothing worthwhile to say.
*See what I did there?