Staggering Number of Kills Already Notched in Killzone 3 Beta

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Staggering Number of Kills Already Notched in Killzone 3 Beta

The beta for Sony's latest shooter has been available for less than a week, but players in the game have already murdered quite a few of their brethren.

The Killzone 3 beta went up on the PlayStation store on February 3rd, but so far Guerrilla Games has tallied more than 400,000 multiplayer matches. There are half a million players listed on the leaderboards, and together they have accrued more than 62 million kills. In case you needed a frame of reference, that's more people than currently reside in countries like United Kingdom or Italy. Guerrilla Games hasn't only been using the Killzone 3 beta test to commit online genocide on millions of virtual combatants, the flood of players has also allowed the team to stress test the multiplayer servers to get ready for when the game is released into the wild only on PS3s on February 22nd here in North America.

"We are happy that we are encountering these issues now, during a Beta, instead of after launch. This will help us get ready for the huge amount of people that are expected to go online at launch," a representative from Guerrilla said.

Not only will the test give the team vital information to help server performance, but it's also a chance for the team to tweak weapon and further balance the multiplayer. "This Beta also gives us the opportunity to change Killzone 3 based on feedback that we get. Although we've already gone gold, we can and will make server side adjustment to things like weapon damage, balancing issues etc. So this is not a demo; it is a Beta for us to test the game."

I think that testing out a game in beta form, especially one that has a huge competitive multiplayer portion, is always a good thing. Console gamer-makers aren't always given that opportunity, though, and I think it's great that Guerrilla is using the chance Sony gave them to make sure that Killzone 3 is the best game that it can be.

How "good" the game ends up being is yet to be determined.

Source: PlayStation Blog EU []


Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
I've been playing the Beta, and I love it. If they balance it out a bit more, it will be great.

Looking forward to the singleplayer as well.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
I don't have a PS3, but I played the beta at a friends house. As an Xbox owner and Halo player, I have to say, this game is GREAT! It fits better into the type of game I like than Halo. Executing people with a revolver is some of the dirtiest and most satisfying feelings I've had from a game. Plus bots in bot matches are quite intelligent.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I can't believe anyone keeps such meaningless statistics as this. It's actually kind of annoying and doesn't show game popularity all that well, simply because different people play it at different times and different amounts of time. A better statistic would be how many people have downloaded it, or even total man hours played, but total kills overall is pointless.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
The game is really a blast!
If I have the money it's a day one buy for me.
So much better than the Call of Duty franchise in my humble opinion.
Also, jetpacks and robots!


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I really like the beta, it feels absolutely fantastic. It seems that much more people are enjoying this more than Killzone 2.

Sadly, I'm not going to be getting it at launch(Dragon Quest VI and Tactics Ogre take priority), but I'll try to get it as soon as I can. It's one of the better FPSes I've played.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
They basically fixed all the issues I had with Killzone 2's multiplayer. Operations reminds me of the fun times I had in Lost Planet 2 when you'd see your character kicking ass and stuff in cut-scenes. I wish more games would incorporate something like that into them :p


New member
Mar 2, 2010
I have the beta, and its great. Only thing im playing now. They took classic skills and made them a little better, i fucking love it. Im a spy, of course. Nothing like pretending to be the other team and sticking your thumbs through their eyeholes over and over and over....

and then i turn into a tactician and call a robot from the sky to help me out.

or be a medic with a little flying pet robot that brings me back to life, lol

Im having alot of fun, obviously. But i already ordered LBP2, and im trying to moderate my game spending....

well see


Good Coffee, cheaper than prozac
Aug 20, 2010
I'm guessing the multiplayer is good, most likely to compenstate of the campaign. KZ2 was rubbish, the only reason Kill Zone 1 was good, was due to the insane guns you can use. Getting kind of sick of game devlopers focusing on online aspects, instead of the campaign.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
As much as i loved watching a friend playing the beta while squishing his fingers into Helgast eyeballs i really don't like where this trent of racking up kills is going, i mean this was done with black ops and i really don't care for data on how many players were killed comparing it to the real worlds population.. its just far to silly(Monty python style silly).


New member
Dec 14, 2010
This game is a must for the Move that and the Sharp Shooter gun..I may need to close my blinds in my apartment tho..might scare the neighbors away.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
As I see more and more of these kinds of statistics I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the simple fact that these companies can so reliably track this kind of data, and what's more reveal it publically. It makes me wonder what else they are tracking, and how easily they can focus in on one person and what they are doing online or track their activity if they want to.

Right now it's harmless, but I'm not sure if I like where this is going, especially as gamers are being forced online more and more as a mandatory part of gaming.

I started to have these thoughts when I was reading the stats Rockstar was compiling for "Red Dead Redemption" and releasing stuff in tandum with certain community milestones, it probably wasn't the first, but now I'm seeing it with "Modern Warfare", and "Killzone", and really it seems like it's becoming an increasingly standard practice, and if these guys have no hesitation in presenting community statistics for promotional purposes, how long is it going to be before they gather other information and start selling it, or someone at the company finds personal ways to access and exploit this information.

See, it occurs to me that if I'm working for a company, and I know that someone I'm aquainted with plays his game system obsessively and him NOT having it turned on typically means he's either not home or asleep, simply by me being able to tell he's not currently playing his newest game obsessively I can determine when it's a good time to burgle his house or perform a home invasion while I know he's in bed. Or heck, if the guy lives alone I can just tell where the guy is (on his game console) for when I break in so I can better assault him/take him down in pursuit of criminal goals. I'm sure that the gaming industry will tell you that everyone working for them is totally honest, and would NEVER do anything like that, or about how good their safeguards are... but well... so many things have been abused like that where I am not sure if I like game companies being able to spy like that.

Please note that while similar arguements can be made for potential abuse, I always kind of assumed various hardware manufacturers could do it (when they knock systems offline for violations and such). It's bad enough with Sony and Microsoft without every independant game company out there doing this kind of crap. I'm POed enough about what Microsoft has been abele to potentially do with Windows in the past (and probably could still do) without worrying about bloody game companies.

I know many will disagree with me, but I'll be surprised if nobody else out there is starting to find this trend a bit disturbing.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
In a related story, amateur basketball players converted enough baskets last month to account for every human being in Australia.


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
I'm sure these statistics don't actually reflect anything about the game or its players. Yes, it's a multiplayer game and people are going to kill each other. That's sort of how it works. I'd wager that the amount of kills in other games during Beta are equivalent - the only difference being they weren't being calculated.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Valagetti said:
I'm guessing the multiplayer is good, most likely to compenstate of the campaign. KZ2 was rubbish, the only reason Kill Zone 1 was good, was due to the insane guns you can use. Getting kind of sick of game devlopers focusing on online aspects, instead of the campaign.
I loved KZ2's campaign! Was definitely one of the best I've ever played on a shooter. As for focusing on online segments, I don't see how it's nearly as much of a problem on the PS3 as it is on the 360. PS3's online crowd tends to be more mature and polite, and let's not forget that its FREE, compared to paying for LIVE just to get called a 'donkeycock' by some 12-year old.

Plus, KZ's online bit has ALWAYS been good.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
This was cute the first couple times, but I am no longer interested that people playing videogames can slaughter nations-or-planets worth of digital humans in X amount of time.

I fear this will be a generic news article for every game reminding us the game was released X years-days-minutes ago.