Microsoft Recruiting Designers for Next Xbox

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Microsoft Recruiting Designers for Next Xbox

A new Xbox is years away, but it's now a much more solid prospect than it was a few days ago.

Job listings discovered on the professional networking site, Linkedin, hint that Microsoft is hiring staff to work on the successor to the Xbox 360. The company is looking for a graphics hardware designer [] and an audio hardware designer [] to work on "next generation console architectures."

Each role has different duties, but for each Microsoft wants people who have experience in taking projects like this from "investigation" - or in other words, from scratch - all the way up to end-customer shipping. This strongly suggests that the project is in the earliest of stages, meaning that it will be some time before the next Xbox comes to market. Around two and a half years seems like a reasonable estimate - as that's roughly the amount of time it took to develop the 360 - so we could be looking at a new console for the holiday period in 2013.

Microsoft has previously claimed [] that the launch of Kinect represented the mid-point in the 360 lifespan, and that it had another five years in it. That's not necessarily incompatible with a new hardware release in, or around, 2013 though. There's going to be an overlap, and it's not inconceivable to think that the last eighteen months or so of the Xbox 360's life will be after Microsoft's next console comes out.

Source: 1up []



New member
Oct 22, 2007
Cool, I guess. It's still quite a few years away though which is nice. And hey, the release of a new console will stop the PC gamers' incessant blathering on about how they're being limited graphically by consoles and yada, yada, yada (I somehow feel the need to point out that this statement was meant to be read in a joking manner [goes and hides in Fallout shelter anyways]). At least until a few minutes after it's released (friggin immediately outdated computing equipment XD). It's the game play that matters people.


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
Honestly, I'm still content with the current (360/ps3) consoles. It's the wii that has the catching up to do.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
I think it's going to take longer than they're thinking. I also think one of the major things they need to do is get feedback from the gamers about things that they do and don't want in their systems. Feedback on basic things like console setup and ease of use would be nice.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
Straying Bullet said:
I at least hope the new XBOX360 will allow us to play the previous games we had on this generation.

IF that's the case, I will get it.
In much agreement with you there. With all of the technological advances made for gaming, you'd think they'd be able to manage compatability somewhat easily. This makes me wonder about games bought over XBL and if it can be transfered from one console to the next. Also makes me wonder if I'm going to see older games (RPGs for me) up on XBL. Come on, Microsoft! At least put Secret of Evermore and both Secret of Mana 1 & 2 up there! It's 16 bits, for crying out Christ.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Eri said:
Honestly, I'm still content with the current (360/ps3) consoles. It's the wii that has the catching up to do.
They all have catching up to do. The Wii is just more outdated. The hardware wasn't that expensive when it was new, so in other words, it wasn't great, but it was decent. Now all the consoles do is keeping the PC game market from progressing. Games are designed for consoles and their requirements and limitations. Still I am fine with my Wii and Xbox the way they are today. I am curious about what they will name their new console though...

Catchy Slogan

New member
Jun 17, 2009
But I like the one I have at the moment. I can't be bothered to go and shell out more money when I'm content with what I have. That being said, if the new one is less prone to breaking I may consider it.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Guess Extra Credits were wrong about Kinect being Xbox 360 2 then...


He who is not known
May 5, 2008
As long as they make a machine that feels like it's not held together by hope they should do ok, the 360 is by and far the worst console I've owned hardware wise.

It's not just the massive press it gets for being flakey, it just downright feels fragile and cheaply made, even compared to older consoles and it's own predecessor.
Apr 28, 2008
Straying Bullet said:
I at least hope the new XBOX360 will allow us to play the previous games we had on this generation.

IF that's the case, I will get it.
Considering how they handled backwards compatibility from the old xbox(stop making games BC in 2007, then make a handful of those available on the 360 marketplace, then just scrap the whole thing), I'm not holding my breath.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Can't Microsoft focus on picking up some more exclusive titles/franchises?
I don't have a PS3, but I'm considering it, because Sony seems to be getting all these great exclusives...