22 y/o too old for pokemon?


New member
Feb 23, 2009
I just got a DSi and I am VERY tempted to buy Pokemon Pearl.
I am 22 years old. Girl.
Do you think this is abnormal?
I have had to become a sort of closet gamer, because my roomie thinks that it is odd that I am so into video games. I can't help it, I grew up with it.

I never liked the pokemon cards or show, but I liked the games. I remember having all of the older ones (red, yellow, blue, silver, gold) and I loved them.

Now that I have a DS I want to buy the pokemon game but I'm almost ashamed. I will probably hide it and play it in bed at night....I dunno. I just feel self-concious about it in front of my roomie.

Are there any 20 somethings here that still play pokemon?

Horned Rat

New member
Feb 4, 2009
I'm a 23 year old guy and I play Pokemon. So do a few of my mates.

Nothing wrong with it. Pokemon is a strangely addictive RPG.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Well especially not a girl, because you seem to be less likely to be "closet gamers" than us guys. The games are awesome! They're so much fun! WHo cares what age you are? As long as you dont lock yourself in your room and play them, you'll be fine!


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Yeah, it gets a bad rap becuase of the show,erchandise etc the games are just really fun Rpg's, with great gameplay ideas. And im 19.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I'm 21 and I play pokemon religiously, shits awesome

Hell I even play it in front of my roommate, remember they have something you can make fun of them for too

also, start with piplup

and again get a pachirisu cause its adorable


Jul 31, 2008
If you want it, buy it. Don't let what other people may or may not think influence your decisions.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
PayNSprayBandit said:
You are never to old for something you like, except 16y/o girls I guess.
I didn't know she was 16... Oh wait, I'm 16, nvm.

Also to answer the OP: You are never too old for anything, I've seen a 60 y/o playing Final Fantasy.


New member
Feb 23, 2009
I'm not that bad of a closet gamer, I openly play Zelda and Mario, GOW, Halo, and Oblivion.
I'm just more of a homebody than my roomate is. I just think she thinks of me as a loner or homebody. I don't play all the time, but about 1-3 hour(s) per day. But she (roomie)has poked fun at it. It doesn't bother me much, but sometimes she makes me think that I am too old for it or something. I just bought the DSi and she poked fun at that. She's my best friend, but crap, she was starting to make me think I was the odd one out. They say "you don't look like the type of girl that would be a gamer"
Also something that discouraged me was the fact that my "crush" does not play video games and he told me that playing videogames were a "waste of time" and "pointless". So that discouraged me further.

I know I'll end up buying the damned game.
I would love to make friends who are VG enthusiaists (girls) like me but I've yet to find anyone.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Don't worry my brother plays Final Fantasy Tactics and other games on my DS so its not a problem. He's 21 years old.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
I'm about the same age. I never worry about wether something is too kiddy if I happen to like it.

The Steel Ninja

New member
Mar 31, 2009
Hey. I'm 25, and I recently got back into the series. I haven't played it since I gave up on R/B/Y back in the day, but I'm having so much fun with it. Fuck what others think, because what matters is that YOU have fun with the game.

Besides, I never saw anything "childish" about some of the more popular ones like the final evolution starters (Charizard, Venusaur, Blastoise), Mewtwo, Dialga, Palkia...you can't tell me a monstrous legendary dragon is "kiddie" in nature.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
19 years old here, so perhaps I'm not old enough for this thread, but I play pokemon with my roommates all the time. I see no reason why playing a game at any age should be looked at askance. It's your time, use it the way you damn well want.

Link Kadeshi

New member
Oct 17, 2008
Like everyone else said, if you like RPG's, then get it, it's a very in-depth game that is more than some Barbie Princess game (Which I am SO getting this paycheck). I'm 27, and I've bought and played a few of them. I'm no Pokemon nut, mind you, but good games. If you haven't, get the older ones too. It'll help aclimate you with the game's universe. There is about 536,914 (+- 436) Pokemon to learn about, so get crackin'.

drummersbangharder said:
I'm not that bad of a closet gamer, I openly play Zelda and Mario, GOW, Halo, and Oblivion.
I'm just more of a homebody than my roomate is. I just think she thinks of me as a loner or homebody. I don't play all the time, but about 1-3 hour(s) per day. But she (roomie)has poked fun at it. It doesn't bother me much, but sometimes she makes me think that I am too old for it or something. I just bought the DSi and she poked fun at that. She's my best friend, but crap, she was starting to make me think I was the odd one out. They say "you don't look like the type of girl that would be a gamer"
Also something that discouraged me was the fact that my "crush" does not play video games and he told me that playing videogames were a "waste of time" and "pointless". So that discouraged me further.

I know I'll end up buying the damned game.
I would love to make friends who are VG enthusiaists (girls) like me but I've yet to find anyone.
First off... Marry me? Now that I've said what someone will soon *Rolls Eyes*... If your crush is a guy, he's too weird, and you can do better... If your crush is a girl, she's too girly, and you can do better. Waste of time, why I never! What is pointless about training to go and save the world from aliens and evil pirates (Oh, I went there!)? Don't make yourself out to be someone just because you want to fit into someone else's view of "good". I'm sure he/she does plenty of pointless activities, and if it's too hard to handle, well, like I said before, you can do better.
Kids, stop trying to be who you aren't to fit in, seriously, play what you want and be proud of it. Now, I'm gonna watch the trailor for Barbie Princess and the Dirty Ball Gown!


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Ugh, the new pokemon games. Don't get me wrong, I loved R/B/Y thru to FireRed and LeafGreen, but the DS games are just tired and full of terrible gimmicks. G/S/C had the right level of gimmicks with the PokePack or whatever it was, but the new contests and IV's and all that crap is just too much. I say have fun with the games released before Dash, but stay the hell away from DS pokemon.

Mister Benoit

New member
Sep 19, 2008
I'm 22 and my last roommate was 24 and for most of last summer since I couldn't walk or anything we spent a hefty amount of time on Diamond/Pearl. Awesome haze filled evenings on our porch creating strategies, learning about EV and IV's and crushing people online. The game gets really deep if your willing to put in the effort.

Reaperman Wompa

New member
Aug 6, 2008
A: Girls can get away with anything. Seriously, walk in and buy any game and no one will bat an eye lid.
B: You're never too old for Pokemon, fuck other peoples opinions.

Edit: If your room mate judges you then just point out stuff she does then say "at least I don't blahblah" Or something like that. If you don't want to do that then remember B, mainly the part on other peoples opinions.