Advice From A Fanboy: Mortal Kombat


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Dec 31, 2008
Advice From A Fanboy: Mortal Kombat

Bob gives some advice to the producers of the upcoming Mortal Kombat movie.

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Jun 26, 2011
I agree with the "go big or go home" attitude but the new direction is what got it noticed again in the first place! And for what I saw on youtube, it got way more likes than dislikes. As for keeping in the gaming world, does anyone remember Mortal Kombat II? I thought so.


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Jun 10, 2011
How can you have realism and sub-zero in the same room, and he one of the more 'normal' guys.

Waiting for the trailer, it should be a laugh if nothing else.


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Nov 19, 2009
it's Mortal Kombat, it's not WORTH worrying over. It's the bottom rung of big name fighting games. If this were Street Fighter (AGAIN), Blazblue, The King of Fighters, or Soulcalibur then I would be angry, but it's only MK, so there's no reason to *****.

Seventh Actuality

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Apr 23, 2010
Isn't it funny how Mortal Kombat, a game that got media backlash in the 80s, has more mainstream recognition and so is more likely to get a film than any game people actually hold dear now? That's some sad bullshit. For once, it's through no fault of our own that we can't have nice things.

Prof. Monkeypox

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Mar 17, 2010
Bollywood action films are absurd, but they're the best kind of absurd. They may not make any sense, and some of the action may fly in the face of all logic- but at the end of the day they're just so much more fun than any action movie I've seen in Hollywood recently.

They know the audience knows its a movie- so they choose to revel in their own absurdity. A giant multi-robot Indian snake man is no more absurd than Jason Bourne's pistol firing more rounds than a machine gun when you get right down to it, but the first is way more fun to watch.
Feb 13, 2008
You do realise they're going to reverse all those ideas and run with it, don't you?

Haydn Christiansen as Johnny Cage, Megan Fox as Kitana and Mileena...

Possibly the only link to the game will be the "FRIENDSHIP" moves.


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Aug 3, 2011
You can film it gritty and still keep the over the top fighting and blood in it. Just because the games are not serious in tone doesnt mean you have to film the movie like a cartoon.

2-part Epoxy

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May 6, 2010
I liked the metaphors in that last paragraph.

And I thrill any time someone links me to a video from India, Hong Kong, or Thailand with words to the effect of "dude, you have got to see this." I could be wrong, but I suspect the whole idea of "gritty, grim, realistic action flick" is a completely alien concept to South/East Asian culture - much to everyone's benefit.

The Bandit

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Feb 5, 2008
One week I love everything you say, the next week I'd rather read the comments for insightful opinions. Why do you love silly shit? I just don't understand it. I still haven't forgotten that article where you argued for Krypto the Superdog or whatever to be in the next Superman movie. Blugh.

Mortal Kombat is trash, but it isn't trash in the way you're implying. It isn't No More Heroes or Scott Pilgrim vs the World. It's always taken itself very seriously. No one has ever cared because it's a fighting game and no one gives a shit about the story. But, as we all know, movies aren't interactive. They depend on the story. And if MK sticks to its roots it will be just as bad MK: Annihilation.

Just because a game sells well doesn't mean the same concept applied to a movie will sell well. This line of thought is just as erroneous as your "gritty realism can't be applied to everything" motif that you hamper on.

Except that's wrong too. Gritty realism can be applied to Mortal Kombat. It was applied, in that trailer. Warner Brothers is a business. They want to sell this movie, and making silly nonsense about flying ninjas or whatever is not going to sell as well as a weird reptile serial killer. It just isn't.

The fact that you don't like gritty realism is fine. It's opinion, and I'm not any more right than you are. But this is bad advice. For once, the studio needs to move as far away from the source material as they can.

Then again, tons and tons of people eat that Metal Gear Solid shit up, and that's trash that takes itself seriously too, so maybe I'm wrong.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
I agree with a lot of this, but I watched the fan-film trailer link up at the top of the article-- and liked it.


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Nov 1, 2007
"Even among fighting games, if Street Fighter is the Mona Lisa, Mortal Kombat is a blacklight painting of a goblin sitting on a pile of skulls."

I love both series. But the major underlying difference between MK and SF is the blood.

On is more rooted in outlandish Asian combat from a Japanese perspective and the other one FEELS like outlandish Asian Combat from an American perspective.

Not sure who originally made MK but that was the jist I got.

Both are incredibly silly, one is slightly more gruesome than the other but that's what makes it fun.

Also I hurt my palms less playing MF than SF...but perhaps that's just a personal problem.

Aiddon said:
it's Mortal Kombat, it's not WORTH worrying over. It's the bottom rung of big name fighting games. If this were Street Fighter (AGAIN), Blazblue, The King of Fighters, or Soulcalibur then I would be angry, but it's only MK, so there's no reason to *****.
I realize this is like, just your opinion man, but I take it you've never played the latest MK?

Don't know why I'm asking since I won't look to see the response but this kinda smells like Halo Bashing but in the Fighting Game Genre.


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Nov 17, 2009
My problem with the 'serious' take on Mortal Kombat is that it's fanfiction. That's not to say it's bad, because I've seen some pretty good fanfiction in my day, but it is what it is. Hell, it's right there in the origins, it started off as a 'fan'film. It's no different then those stories you see floating around on the internet where people took their favourite anime show but said 'what if they were all in high school together!?'. And yeah, it's nice to explore alternate realities, or see somebody else's take on a series, especially if it's well done, but it's still fanfiction. It shouldn't be getting elevated above the status of the real thing, and by letting the guy make a movie based on his fanfiction vision, that is exactly what they're doing.

And, from a personal standpoint, while I wouldn't say the fanfilm was bad, I certainly didn't like it on a personal level. They took my favourite characters (Reptile, Baraka, and Scorpion), took out all the things about them that I liked, and made them 100% unrecognizable to me.

Ultimately, the fans should never be the ones to be making anything, because fans can never actually agree on how something should be. Clearly, the director thinks Mortal Kombat should be gritty and realistic. Personally, I side a bit closer to Bob, in that I think it should be filled with magical ninjas and bicycle kicks (though maybe not QUITE as over the top as he's describing it).


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Aiddon said:
If this were Street Fighter (AGAIN), Blazblue, The King of Fighters, or Soulcalibur then I would be angry, but it's only MK, so there's no reason to *****.
King of Fighters []? Street Fighter []? Are you ready to freak out now?

I'm so glad you addressed the movie more as a Straight to DVD Lionsgate Picture as an insult, just because I feel the same way about it.

I agree with all your points, but it would be impossible for me to try to write a Mortal Kombat movie, just because I would be so based on character development, not archetype development, and MK's cast of characters are really nothing more than Archetypes.

I just don't think Mortal Kombat is really set up for a motion picture, at least not a decent motion picture, so I guess the Camp factor would really help the movie on that part.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Bob, I think you left out an important step to make a proper Mortal Kombat movie.

Sit down, watch the Legend of Riki-Oh, and then work on your movie.

I'm assuming Bob knows this film (it's his kind of movie), but for the rest of you:


New member
May 10, 2011
Aiddon said:
it's Mortal Kombat, it's not WORTH worrying over. It's the bottom rung of big name fighting games. If this were Street Fighter (AGAIN), Blazblue, The King of Fighters, or Soulcalibur then I would be angry, but it's only MK, so there's no reason to *****.
Have you played the latest game? Were you at the EVO tournament this year? MK is a contender now; I know, shocking, right? But it's true. The fighting game community, both casuals AND hardcores, loved it, and you even have Street Fighter vets like REO and Daigo going "it's good. Really. We like it. Give it a chance."

That said, Street Fighter has had two terrible movies (though one so terrible it was awesome), King of Fighters had a terrible, terrible movie, and Tekken has had two terrible movies (one live action and one by the Tekken creators themselves!). Soul Calibur and Blazblue?... eh, we'll see in the future.

But even the most recent Mortal Kombat had an extremely entertaining, high-quality, nearly 6-8 hour Story Mode with good character development, shocking plot twists, and impressive fight choreography.

Seventh Actuality said:
Isn't it funny how Mortal Kombat, a game that got media backlash in the 80s, has more mainstream recognition and so is more likely to get a film than any game people actually hold dear now? That's some sad bullshit. For once, it's through no fault of our own that we can't have nice things.
Many people, including this fangirl, hold Mortal Kombat near and dear. I met my fiance in the arcades when I did a Kiss of Death on his Sub-Zero.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
I looked at the youtube link and I'm surprised how many people like that trailer.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
The trailer's awesome. Sometimes you have to let go of what worked, and try something different. I love the vision and would welcome a grittier, more realistic take on an otherwise cheesy game.

To everyone who disagrees: stop being a fanboy (or girl), and embrace creativity and storytelling!