Toy Story Scribes Hint At Imminent Farmville Movie

Earnest Cavalli

New member
Jun 19, 2008
Toy Story Scribes Hint At Imminent Farmville Movie

A movie based on hit Facebook game Farmville? That's crazy! Or is it?

Alec Sokolow and Joel Cohen have a pretty respectable record when it comes to writing films. After all, these are the guys responsible for Pixar's brilliant Toy Story, and that earns the duo a lifetime pass from anyone who has ever cried at the beautiful friendship between a stuffed cowboy and a plastic spaceman (read: all of you).

The duo's next project however, might make some of you rethink that blind praise. In a recent IGN interview, the pair hinted, not so subtly, that they are adapting Farmville for the silver screen.

"We are also working on several new and very exciting opportunities. We're in conversations with Zynga to do something with one of their brands. Can't really say too much on that front yet, but 'Old MacDonald' didn't have a factory, if you get our drift," they said.

Of course, the boys are correct. According to every version of the nursery rhyme that I've ever heard, Old MacDonald did not, in fact, have a factory. Old MacDonald had a farm. Exactly the sort of farm you might find in a place called Farmville, though I doubt the man ever planted a field of corn with the express purpose of recreating pixelated genitalia.

Cynicism aside, one wonders exactly how Sokolow and Cohen might be approaching this project. The game itself has almost nothing in the way of story, and its social interaction more or less hinges entirely on bombarding your friends and relatives with pleas for building scraps and useful crops.

Given the nascent status of this script, I feel safe in speculating wildly as to its content. My ideal version of this film is a stylized homage to Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath with a touching subplot centering on one man's efforts to overcome the predjudices of his religious, small town upbringing. Obviously he succeeds, but only after being taught how to dance by Kevin Bacon circa 1984.

Oh, and because this is likely to be aimed at a young-skewing demographic, Kevin Bacon is portrayed as a CGI pig voiced by Steve Buscemi.

Y'know, the more that I cobble together increasingly unlikely lies about this film, the more I realize that I would totally watch this thing. Not the actual Farmville movie that will undoubtedly be hitting theaters before the game's momentary popularity wanes -- no, that's almost definitely going to be terrible -- but instead this wildly unrealistic version that is now playing in my head.

Did I mention that Michael Ian Black voices a sheep dog? He does. It's awesome.

Source: IGN []


Seventh Actuality

New member
Apr 23, 2010
Well, "The Facebook movie" sounded pretty bad, and it turned out to be one of last year's best films. I thought I'd mention that because I like to pretend to be reasonable occasionally. Really, this can't fail to be godawful.

The only reason the two of them are in on it is because "FarmVille, from the writers of Toy Story!" is like a brand-recognition tactical nuke. Any interesting spins they come up for the concept will be veto'd with extreme prejudice.


New member
May 26, 2011
I hope for the sake of humanity that this film does not take shape.
I just really cannot see a way that this will not turn out terrible.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Spam "games" turned into movies... well isn't that the perfect formula for success.

Sad part is there are actually enough dumb people in this world that it might be true :S

Corporal Yakob

New member
Nov 28, 2009
Battleship, Rock em sock em robots and now Farmville-I'm telling you, a gritty film version of Monoploy is right around the corner!


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Corporal Yakob said:
Battleship, Rock em sock em robots and now Farmville-I'm telling you, a gritty film version of Monoploy is right around the corner!
The Go to jail space could be a crazy police road block that the car/dog must run through to get to go. I could see it as kinda like fast and the furious.


New member
May 17, 2010
"The game itself has almost nothing in the way of story"

When the hell has that EVER stopped Hollywood?

You'd probably have a better chance of cobbling together something coherent from Harvest Moon.

Also, last time I heard, Monopoly WAS being discussed in a meta way: some guy would be sucked into the world of the board game and have to battle the evil Parker, seriously.

Johnson McGee

New member
Nov 16, 2009
Corporal Yakob said:
Battleship, Rock em sock em robots and now Farmville-I'm telling you, a gritty film version of Monoploy is right around the corner!
They already made and then remade that one:


New member
Nov 11, 2010
aside from sounding like the most boring movie this side of 'match point', i can't see them messing it up. no matter what they do with the movie, it'll be an improvement over the game.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Farmville has no story whatsoever. Unless you count "let's build a succesful farm" as a story. So all they're doing here is cashing in on the Farmville name. Clever girl.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
FelixG said:
RoseArch said:
Farmville has no story whatsoever. Unless you count "let's build a succesful farm" as a story. So all they're doing here is cashing in on the Farmville name. Clever girl.
Battleship never had a story either, and they somehow turned that into a sci fi Navy vs Aliens picture some how.
At least it has a premise. Two navy fleet are standing on opposite sides of a line, ordered to take each other out. By means of briliant tactics, strategy and bluffing, the two navy commanders face a battle ... wait, aliens? Well ... euhm ... hmm ...


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Corporal Yakob said:
Battleship, Rock em sock em robots and now Farmville-I'm telling you, a gritty film version of Monoploy is right around the corner!
Hold up, I knew of the battleship film but *rock em sock em*!? ....Where's my gun, I want to quit this shit.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Somethingfake said:
Corporal Yakob said:
Battleship, Rock em sock em robots and now Farmville-I'm telling you, a gritty film version of Monoploy is right around the corner!
Hold up, I knew of the battleship film but *rock em sock em*!? ....Where's my gun, I want to quit this shit.
Yup. You might have heard of a little thing called "Real Steel." MovieBob reviewed it, and that actually made me think for a brief glimmer of a second that it might not be the worst asinine adaption. Hell, Battleship: The Movie looks downright abhorrent from the trailer, and it has Liam-how did they screw this movie up with this much awesome-Neeson.

As for Farmville Movie, perhaps this is an animated spinoff of The Social Network. Maybe Zuckerberg liked to play with toy farm animals as a kid but when he went off to make a million friends, he left behind his make-believe (but secretly alive!) farm pals. That, or maybe after making a million friends, Zuckerberg realized he doesn't actually know any of them in real life and this his asshatery has cost him everyone formerly close. Alone and desperate, Zuckerberg does the only thing he can: create a digital game that will hook his online friends and keep them addicted and suckling off of Facebook until they die. Naturally, Zuckerberg chooses a farm as the games setting in order to symbolize the cattle he shall raise on his virtual farm that will obey his every command at one flip of a switch... (to be continued in the 2012 Oscar nominee).

Personally, I'd rather see a Candyland Movie come to fruition. Just think of the merchandising! *laughs giddily*


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Well, this is gonna be awful.

Corporal Yakob said:
Battleship, Rock em sock em robots and now Farmville-I'm telling you, a gritty film version of Monoploy is right around the corner!
"In a world plagued by fear and destruction, only one man, can ROLL THE DICE*Dum-Dum*"