Your Cell Phone Might be Diseased

Mike Kayatta

Minister of Secrets
Aug 2, 2011
Your Cell Phone Might be Diseased

A recent study reveals that between you and your pals, one of you is likely carrying E. coli in your pocket.

A group of British research scientists recently traveled the globe with but one lofty goal in mind: to test your cell phone for fecal matter. Sure it was a dirty job, and it's very possible that no one asked them to do it, but twelve major cities and thousands of grossed up cotton swabs later, they had their results all the same. One in six cell phones is covered in E. coli. Eww ...

Most strains of E. coli are perfectly natural and safe, at least when they stay in your intestines where they belong. It's actually one of many bacterium located in the lower intestinal tracts of humans and animals, and is pretty handy to have around. E. coli helps the body produce the much needed vitamin K, as well as stave off other, less beneficial bacteria from claiming real estate in your innards. Some strains, however, aren't quite as friendly. They can cause food poisoning, bowel troubles, and sometimes even death in young children.

If you represent the unfortunate 16.67% of people pressing E. coli against your ear every time you call your Aunt Milley in Hoboken, that doesn't (necessarily) mean you've been taking your life lessons from Pig Pen. People transmit this and other foul germs all of the time by shaking hands, touching public railings, kung-fu fighting, and reaching into the same bag of jumbo pretzels. Still, it has to start somewhere, and the fact that such a high percentage of cellular devices are currently covered in the stuff implies that there are more than a handful of people out there not washing up after using the restroom.

I'm not sure what the point of this global study was, other than to inform us that we are very, very dirty. While that shouldn't be news to anyone, I always appreciate it when researchers use science to remind us of the lessons many of us seem to have forgotten since elementary school. Wash those little fingers and thumbs, children! Also, not to sound alarms, but I'm starting to wonder how many console controllers currently share the same bacterial fate. We'd better go home and give them a good scrubbing just to be sure.

Source: []



New member
Feb 10, 2008
At first I was like "Oh shit this isn't like Stephen King's Cell right?" But it's just E.Coli.

Oh, right, E.Coli can kill you if it's the wrong strain or something. Woops.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
But the soap adverts have been telling us this for years!

Your lifestyle will give you terrible diseases! BUY OUR SOAP
Feb 13, 2008
Mike Kayatta said:
A group of British research scientists recently traveled the globe with but one lofty goal in mind: to test your cell phone for fecal matter.
Ok, who hadn't got a smart-ass reply already for that line?

Didn't they do that test on one of the Science programmes though that your normal office desk had 6 times as many germs on it as the public toilets at Glastonbury?

Let me see if I can find that...brb

Edit: oh...
"We don''t think twice about eating at our desks, even though the average desk has 100 times more bacteria than a kitchen table and 400 times more bacteria than the average toilet," reveals Gerba. "Without cleaning, a small area on your desk or phone can sustain millions of bacteria that could potentially cause illness."
Where your hand is at the moment? Probably 10 million bacteria. Granted few of them are harmful, but fecal matter? Likely to be quite a bit of it.


Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I saw this on the news channel days ago. They say that how your phone is covered by E.Coli in the first place is simply not washing your hand after using the toliet and using your phone afterward. So just wash your hands unless someone give it to you instead.


The Noble
Jan 6, 2010
Almost every hard surface in your house has dangerous germs/bacteria on it, it is normal. Lucky your immune system is pretty good at handling them, and it keeps your immune system in check. However if you kill off these germ/bacteria by like washing your hands(to much) and keep disinfecting everything and not giving your immune system enough to do, so when these germ/bacteria do infect you, your immune system doesn't take the threat seriously enough. I'm not saying that you shouldn't wash your hands after you visit the bathroom, that just basic hygiene.


Keeper of the GWJ Holocron
Feb 21, 2010
How is this a surprise to anyone? There are germs everywhere, and no one ever cleans their phone.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Cowabungaa said:
At first I was like "Oh shit this isn't like Stephen King's Cell right?" But it's just E.Coli.

Oh, right, E.Coli can kill you if it's the wrong strain or something. Woops.
ANYTHING BUT THAT. Seriously I heard the audio book of that story and. I'd rather take on E.Coli.

Mike Kayatta

Minister of Secrets
Aug 2, 2011
TestECull said:
...I wonder when society will realize we have immune systems for a reason and stop spazzing out about germs like this.
I don't think this is about there being "germs" on your phone. I think this is about having poop on your phone.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
I'm a daring soul, apparently. When my phone's belt strap failed, it decided to do so when I was in the bathroom. Fell right in the toilet. I removed the battery, washed it off as best I could, and let it dry for a few days.

Still works. Still use it.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
Mike Kayatta said:
TestECull said:
...I wonder when society will realize we have immune systems for a reason and stop spazzing out about germs like this.
I don't think this is about there being "germs" on your phone. I think this is about having poop on your phone.
If you only knew how many people I saw walk right out of a bathroom instead of washing their hands when I worked at Wal-Mart. That's just the ones I saw, though.

If you only knew ...


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Panzervaughn said:
The moral of the story is to STOP PLAYING ANGRY BIRDS IN THE BATHROOM.
But that's the only place I don't get disturbed...

OT: I'm curious as to what drove them to do this.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
My cell phone isn't diseased! Mr. Nurgle, who sold it to me assured me that there were no diseases, plagues or blights on or in the phone, and I'm sure he wouldn't lie! :p

Seriously, though, this article just goes to prove how little we know about what's on our daily items. We like to think we live in a clean and sterile society (for the most part), but we're surronded with fecal matter, saliva, bacteria, snot, etc. We come in contact with it every day without even knowing. And you know what? We're still fine. Now, I'm not saying we should all pop a poop into our mouths to celebrate, but saying "OMG, there's filth on your things!" is kinda silly. Of course there is. Get used to it. There's crap on your stuff as well...

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
so, if i were to say use my phone to browse the internet on the shitter, it might have E.coli?

well, now i dont have to worry who might have the disease-phone.
RT-Medic-with-shotgun said:
So... This proves we don't wash our electronic devices?
well theres the whole 'water+electricity=bad' thing.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Oh no there is mircos on the thing I keep in my warm pocket and put near my face...and so does my knife, fork, hand, headphones, table, loo, keyboard, screen, light switch, etc etc etc.

Who CARES, that shit is everywhere.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
In all fairness it's not like you can really was a phone under running water or anything.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Ha! I actually use disinfectant wipes on my phone every day or two. Yay for being ahead of the curve.