Final Fantasy Type-0 Footage Arrives To Ruin Your Day

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Final Fantasy Type-0 Footage Arrives To Ruin Your Day

The intro/trailer for Final Fantasy: Type 0 flirts with drama before dipping into familiar Final Fantasy territory.

I'm finding it difficult to get my hype on for new Final Fantasy game after a tag team of Final Fantasies XI and XIII cornered my childhood in an alleyway and stove its head in with a rock, but the footage to right there has certainly caught my attention. Final Fantasy Type-0 - previously titled Final Fantasy Agito XII - arrives on the PSP in Japan today, and if this footage of its opening moments are anything to go by, it's a pretty grim affair.

It's not like Final Fantasy has ever really shied away from violence, but there's a sense of brutality here that seems new to the series. Everything is grimy and blood splattered, even the unfortunate Chocobo. The dark setting and relative realism - though, yes, people are still bringing swords to firefights - makes it almost seem like the game is heading in a relatively new direction until ... Surprise! A collection of smug, impossibly-spiky-haired, teenage ragamuffins turn up to save the day with sparkly magic and the overwhelming power of friendship. Goddamn it, Square Enix.

Though Final Fantasy Type-0 is designed to appeal to western players, according to Game Director Hajime tabata, there's no news of an NA or European release as of yet.



Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Seeing a bloody chocobo is oddly weird, along with it making hoof sounds when it runs, I guess ff games have always been a bit dark... in ways, but I really wish they would get this fetish of school kids saving the world out of their system.


New member
Jun 15, 2011
Oh what the hell is this garbage....Final Fantasy: The Dark Knight Rises Gritty Reboot Edition? They are even putting Final Fantasy through this treatment now? This is why I wanted this crap to stop! Before it came to this...I never asked for this...


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Huh, wow... I never saw Final Fantasy like this before, maybe ill just give this one a tr... COCK! Nevermind, its the same as it has always been...

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
GeneticallyModifiedDucks said:
Final Fantasy XII was great, man.

As for this, hey, at least it's new.
Ohfuck. I meant XIII. XII was ... not bad. It went a bit squiffy towards the end though.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
I was midly interested in Agito-err I mean Type-0 before but now I'm just kind of left confused. And no, it's not because I don't understand what they're saying (...actually that has to do with it.)

On another note, NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Not the chocobo!!


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Weird how this is meant to appeal to Western audience when there is no information on whether it will come to the western realms. Even if this game was designed with that audience members in mind, it pretty much forgets that in the last 4 minutes of the trailer.

Another serious flaw is how long this bloody trailer is. Yeah, war sucks and you get bloody (unless your some spiky blonde kid that can hurl fire around at will, then you remain clean of any blood), but it just seems so focused on this random soldier's interpersonal drama in this scuffle that I don't even get much hints on the game--regardless of the language barrier. Its like trying to advertise a Final Fantasy game with a scene trying to mimic the "Nuclear bomb explosion" scene in Modern Warfare 1.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
How many "Final" Fantasy game are there now? I've honestly lost count.

(and yes I'm aware of the reason behind the name)


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Most of my reaction was...."yyaaaay......another one"

But they have some things that I like with this video, THEY CAST CURE IN A CUTSCENE!!
and their clothing seem to make sense atleast by a little. The Magic vs Machines and gunpowder plot wich this gives away first look is overdone(have they done this before? FF6? I can't remember) but should work great in a FF setting to me. I might even look up on this if i consider getting that new PSP


New member
Nov 15, 2009
How carebeary are FF players that I see people actually condemning this cause it has some actual grit to it? This isn't an FPS where brown and grit are par for this course, this is a possibly a chance for them to have a game that actually has some weight and sense of seriousness and dread to it.. and not that melodrama seriousness.. the kind where it feels like something is actually on the line.

Do "FF Fans" ONLY play FF games and not the litany of other REALLY good RPGs that are dark and/or feature schoolkids saving the world? Go play almost anything made by Atlus in the past 10 years, sheesh.

I realize that FF12 and 13 probably warped your already deluded little minds on what a good game, characters, and story can be, but come on. After those two, making a radical change in tone and characterization is probably the best thing they could do, or do we really want more Snow being a pompous moron, Vanille squeaking, and Hope sobbing and plotting murder while Mecha-Pope harasses you for 25 hours?
May 25, 2010
Grey Carter said:
GeneticallyModifiedDucks said:
Final Fantasy XII was great, man.

As for this, hey, at least it's new.
Ohfuck. I meant XIII. XII was ... not bad. It went a bit squiffy towards the end though.
If that's the case, then how come you say they both affected your childhood? 11 I can understand, but 13 came out like... last year. It's not exactly ancient history.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
This looks graphically similar to FFXII and so looks equally shit. Stop trying to appeal to the western RPG fan. I personally enjoyed the last entry (FFXIII) but it was horrendously obvious Square Enix are confused as to what to do with the series and are trying hard to westernise it.

They need to stop. Now. The combat system in XIII was a brilliant design change and they should focus upon that and also get some new writers as the characters and plots have been extremely imbalanced since X. Grey and grim is not final fantasy, XIII was absolutely beautiful, FF needs to stay colourful and fun. It's supposed to be 'Fantasy' for gods sake.

Unfortunately I know Square Enix are now corporate arseholes and will continue to run the series into the ground. R.I.P Squaresoft you are sorely missed.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
GeneticallyModifiedDucks said:
Grey Carter said:
GeneticallyModifiedDucks said:
Final Fantasy XII was great, man.

As for this, hey, at least it's new.
Ohfuck. I meant XIII. XII was ... not bad. It went a bit squiffy towards the end though.
If that's the case, then how come you say they both affected your childhood? 11 I can understand, but 13 came out like... last year. It's not exactly ancient history.
Because FF as a series is intertwined with my childhood. I grew up on it. Each game, even the ones I didn't like all that much (like 9. I always liked the sci fi elements) were big exciting, watermark moments for me. X was amazing once I gave it a chance. Then things went kind of shitty.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Fawxy said:
Grey Carter said:
...after a tag team of Final Fantasies XI and XII cornered my childhood in an alleyway and stoved its head in with a rock
Hey, while FF XI might have been an average game, FF XII is really good.

Yosharian said:
RIP Final Fantasy.

(And no, FF12 was not a good game)
"Herp derp I'm going to state my opinion as fact and blatantly disregard the overwhelming critical acclaim and sales this game garnered derp herp"

Really, despite FF XIV being horrific and XIII being somewhat lackluster, the FF series is doing just fine. Hopefully Squeenix will be able to get their act together for future installments.
Herp a derp Im gonna mock someone's opinion with my opinion and the opinion of others thus making it a fact HERP A DERP, despite it being one of the lowest selling post SNES-era FF console games, derp derp, and the equally over-whelming negative criticism, herp derp, then cuddle up with my Vaan love pillow derp derp derp.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
First minute in: THAT'S A DUDE!? He's literally wearing a dress. Not, he looks like he's wearing a dress because his shirt's long. That skirt's a separate article of clothing!

Also, while we're on the subject. These kinds of graphics are the best we can get on current generation technology!? It looks like their clothes are tattooed on!